[u]Races[/u] [b]Humans[/b] are the most versatile race as they are the most varied. They range in height from 4'11 to just over 6'0. They have various hair and eye colors. They are the most common race. They have a lifespan of about 100 years. [b]Elves[/b] are considered the most beautiful race - tall, slender and fair skinned. They look on other races sadly since their lifespans are much shorter than their own which can go as long as 2000 years. Some (very few) elves can remember a time before the tyrant king. They have a strong love for nature and the arts. They do not tend to like dwarves due to their temperament. They consider humans to be brash, uneducated children. Elves tend to have light colored hair and blue or green eyes and are incapable of growing facial hair, their ears come to a point. [b]Dwarves[/b] are the hardiest of all the races but rarely are they taller than 4'6. They make good warriors and have excellent night vision from their life in the mines. They are hot tempered and usually heavy drinkers. They take great pride in the length of their beards and braids. They tend to have red or dark colored hair and brown eyes. They have a lifespan of 600 years. [b]Half-elves[/b] don't seem to fit in anywhere. They have slightly curved ears and unlike their elven parent can grow facial hair. They have the varied height and skin tone of humans. Humans don't seem to mind them but elves tend to be wary of them. It is unusual to see a half elf living among elves for any extended period of time. They have a life span of 1200 years. They generally seem to have the impulsivity of their human parent. [b]Gnomes[/b] are short and slender, often mistaken for children. They tend to be of darker skin color from their time in the sun. They make excellent merchants despite their penitent for being silly. They are a generally fun loving race. They make excellent thiefs as they typically go unnoticed. They have a lifespan of 120 years.