Cleo sat down with little may and they had a nice talk about her past. Cleo smiles "Hard life huh?" asked slowly. The little girl nodded slowly "Yes no one wanted me around so I went to steal things....thank you....for saving me from the police' she said slowly. The roilu nodded to the ninetails as they talked peacefully to each other. Cleo was not interested in catching pokemon for a while and that was for a fact. She knew what pokemon she wanted in her team but she would wait for the right moment. She spotted something shaking in an alley way and saw a small Umberon there, she decided to help it it looked so scared and her rolui stood protective of her. She walked over slowly and placed out her hands to show she had a puffin, the umberon looked at it carefully and sniffs it before eating it slowly. Cleo sat there and watched, giving the umberon space and time it needed. The umberon looks at her slowly and got ready for a fight, She smiles and rolui came forward and stood ready. They went at it for three minutes before the umberon was wobbling not out yet. She took out a luxary ball her mother gave her and points it at the pokemon. Umberon was sucked inside and then the ball clicked and she smiles going to heal the pokemon she had found. Julia smirks and rolled her eyes 'well I'm tired I'm going to bed here' hands him the eight pages of notes on the legendary pokemon 'Have them" she said walking off to her room, her pokemon fallowed happily.