[center][h3]Blutland[/h3] [b]1910[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uzwF5sf.png[/img][/center] [center][b]The Kieffer Telegram[/b][/center] After nearly an hour of receiving the telegram, Chief of Army Wolfram Ducke quickly sent message to King Arnold von Titanus [i] “My King, it has come to my attention that our colony is at the brink of rebellion, I request full authority to act as I deem necessary and request full authority over the army. The situation at hand seems drastic and are in desperate need of strategic redeployment of our men.”[/i] The note was then handed off to a messenger, who quickly left to the Grand Palace. Arriving nearly three hours later, King Arnold looked over the letter carefully. “So the Hakar killing where simply the beginning of a potential uprising in our colonies. It is a shame that we must take such a drastic turn. Inform Wolfram Ducke that he has full authorization to begin reorganization of the colonies and in the case of rebellion, responding with the full force of the Blutland military.” When General Kieffer received word that his many of his men were to be sent home he was ecstatic. The telegram read [i] “Due to the current situation within the Serranthian army and our goal to seek a rather peaceful occupation of our overseas territory a recall of men has been ordered. By the end of the month nearly 30,000 men are expected to be returned to the mainland, leaving behind a more focused force of 70,000 men to defend and maintain our colonies.”[/i] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Boer_War_officers_P03206.001.jpg[/img] [i]Image of a small Platoon in the 4th army, 1910[/i][/center] [hider=Response to Kieffer Telegram] Order Unnecessary Elements of the 4th Army Returned to Blutland: Obviously the lack of infrastructure has caused chaos among our soldiers, as General Kieffer indicated. We must recall extraneous soldiers from abroad so that cleanliness and order can be maintained. [/hider] [center][b]Korclev License[/b][/center] Negotiations between the Kingdom of Jouran and founder of Vermögen gräbt, Lennart Ohly where fierce. Due to the legality of licensing to foreign countries, King Arnold von Titanus official seal was required to continue talks of selling the Hollum-Keffler Petrol. A process that took nearly six days, over what was assumed to be long hours of discussion between the King and his advisors. It was not long before Lennart Ohly, and the Jouran representative finally game to a fair deal between the two countries. When asked about his opinion with selling to the Kingdom of Jouran, Lennart Ohly responded “It is with great honor to expand trade of Blutlandic goods outside of our national borders. It shows the great innovation and skill of Blutland scientists and engineers.” [center][img]http://www.stalbertgazette.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=GR&Date=20120822&Category=SAG0801&ArtNo=308229975&Ref=EP&NewTbl=1&item=1[/img] [i]Lennart Ohly, 1910[/i][/center] [hider=Korcelv’s License] Sell the License to Korclev Auto's: Blutlandic inventions are indeed some of the greatest in the known world. By expanding trade within the nation, we bring ourselves closer to the Jourans, as well as provide our own inventors and entrepreneurs some credibility in the international marketplace.[/hider] [center][b]Zellonia hypocritical warmongers[/b][/center] After the recent tensions between Kavonia and Jouran, it has come to the attention of many that Zellonia has chosen to side with Kavonia with the message of forcing Jouran to disarm. What many fail to realize is the lack of mention of Zellonia’s own massive military build up, one that had lead to controversy earlier this year and lead many to believe that they are preparing for war. Adam Elsner, a political theorist and writer for the Blutland National News, commented “This is the most blatant case of warmongering since the Tyro-Antari’s attempt of full political control of the Blutland peninsula before the War of Seven Kings. I suspect that they only seek to establish full dominance over the continent, at this rate. A frightening goal indeed if they establish relations with the Republic of Stratia.” It was not long after the Zellonians sent an entire armada to handle the Seljuk civil war, were nearly 2 million Karelians revolted in an attempt to become free of their foreign oppressors. A sympathetic plight for many Blutlanders. Elsner continued by mentioning “This Zellonian fleet is only another step to establish control over the Seljuks. I wouldn’t be surprised if they forced them to surrender territory as a ‘gift’ for helping them in this plight.” Polls show that many feel that the Zellonians are an even bigger threat to Blutland security then the Tyro-Antari Empire, a long time rival of Blutland. [center][b]Support for Karalia[/b][/center] The official position towards the Karalian people for many Blutlanders has been sympathetic to say the least. King Arnold von Titanus even commenting “It is only a matter of time before the the Seljuks, these so called supporters of peace, crumble under their many layers hypocrisy as they continue to violently oppress the Karalian peoples.” Not long after an unofficial shipment from Blutland of nearly 50,000 Otto Mk.2 rifles had been sent to Karalia through the Tyro-Antari Empire. [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/66/06/6a/66066a885b2f135a3cc561c3819f5fbb.jpg[/img] [i]Official image of Seljuk troops slaughtering Karalians[/i][/center] [center][b]Foulois Accord[/b][/center] With few contesting to Blutland demands, many of which argued over who should claim ownership of the Islands, Klaus Ritshel simply stated “With no one arguing against the Blutland demands for trade rights on the Islands, then it is only safe to assume that this issue is resolved. It brings a smile to my face that fellow sovereigns can agree on one thing at least.” Before sitting back and letting the heated debate between the Tyrian and Zellonian diplomat continue. [hider=Foulois Accord] Klaus Ritschel (1+3 due to friendly territory) pushes Trade rights +4 in Blutlands direction making the total +8[/hider] [hider=monthly production] [b][u]MONTHLY PRODUCTION[/u][/b] -- [[b]Vermögen gräbt Automobile Manufacturing facility[/b]] - [[b]Automobile Factory 1[/b]] - [[b]25% Vehicles[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Waffen und Stahl Siedeort Manufacturing Plant[/b]] - [[b]Industrial Factory 1[/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Waffen und Stahl Vergesen Manufacturing Plant[/b]] - [[b]Industrial Factory 2[/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Waffen und Stahl Kileneleut Manufacturing Plant[/b]] - [[b]Industrial Factory 3[/b]] - [[b]None[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Expedition Serranthia Co. Production Facility[/b]] - [[b]Textile Factory 1[/b]] - [[b]20% Income/-25% Arms[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Schweiger Ventures Goods Factory[/b]] - [[b]Textile Factory 2[/b]] - [[b]20% Income/-25% Arms[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$120,000,000/month[/i]] -- [[b]Goldreich Armory Rifles Manufacturing Facility[/b]] - [[b]Arms Factory 1[/b]] - [[b]20% Rifles/Artillery[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Goldreich Armory Artillery Manufacturing Facility[/b]] - [[b]Arms Factory 2[/b]] - [[b]20% Rifles/Artillery[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Goldreich Armory General Weaponry Plant[/b]] - [[b]Arms Factory 3[/b]] - [[b]20% Rifles/Artillery[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Waffen und Stahl Weapon production facility[/b]] - [[b]Arms Factory 5[/b]] - [[b]20% Rifles/Artillery[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Waffen und Stahl Aviation innovations facility[/b]] - [[b]Arms Factory 6[/b]] - [[b]20% Rifles/Artillery[/b]] - [[i]Income[/i]] - [[i]$100,000,000[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Kileneleut Major Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Major Shipyard 1[/b]] - [[i]Schnellangriff Class Armored Cruiser | “The Stolz”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Siedort Major Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Major Shipyard 2[/b]] - [[i]Schnellangriff Class Armored Cruiser | “The Linksmann”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Vergesen Major Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Major Shipyard 3[/b]] - [[i]Schnellekiller Class Light Cruiser | “The Totermaan”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Astern Major Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Major Shipyard 4[/b]] - [[i]Schnellekiller Class Light Cruiser | “The Feuergott”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Bremberg Major Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Major Shipyard 5[/b]] - [[i]Schnellekiller Class Light Cruiser | “The Totenkonig”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Belzieu Shipping[/b]] - [[b]Minor Shipyard 1[/b]] - [[i]Zerstorer Class Destroyer | “The Kleinerjunge”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Korburg Shipping[/b]] - [[b]Minor Shipyard 2[/b]] - [[i]Zerstorer Class Destroyer | “The Liebesmaschine”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Eindward Shipping[/b]] - [[b]Minor Shipyard 3[/b]] - [[i]Zerstorer Class Destroyer | “The Grobershlag”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Hartkirchen Shipping[/b]] - [[b]Minor Shipyard 4[/b]] - [[i]Zerstorer Class Destroyer | “The Herzog”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Kortburg Shipping[/b]] - [[b]Minor Shipyard 5[/b]] - [[i]Zerstorer Class Destroyer | “The Mannkiller”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Stasingen Shipping[/b]] - [[b]Minor Shipyard 6[/b]] - [[i]Zerstorer Class Destroyer | “The Hollenpelzigen”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Castlestones Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Minor Shipyard 7[/b]] - [[i]Unterwasser Class Submarine | “Ruhigtoten”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Kerkenheuvel Shipyard[/b]] - [[b]Minor Shipyard 8[/b]] - [[i]Unterwasser Class Submarine | “Ruhigkonig”[/i]] -- [[b]Spitzer and Franz Aarschaat Dockyard[/b]] - [[b]Dockyard 1[/b]] - [[i]Blutlandia Class Dreadnought | “Titanus”[/i]] [/hider] [hider=Political Clout] Currently 4 Points Spend 3 Points increasing relations with Sessau[/hider]