[quote=TheFoxWithout] ello thought ah may as well throw mah hat into the ring, gonna go ahead and start working on a cs now but i was wondering something about the weapons and cores, and that was if it was possible for a weapon to make use of two core types at once, and if not could you have a weapon that at least holds two different core types [/quote] Yes a weapon can use multiple cores, but it makes it much more expensive for each additional core slot. If you mean fusing the abilities of two cores by using them together, that would be really rare, as mixing the energies would cause a very unstable situation for someone that's not a Channeler. But weapons can have multiple cores that can be triggered separately - that's more plausible. [quote=TheFoxWithout] another question is can kage's force people to be their hosts, or is it a kinda of consent thing [/quote] Yes they can force the shit out of people. Basically, when the void gate opens, the kage will escape and quickly begin scouting out a suitable host to survive within. The kages will most likely be in a simple form at that time - a ball of energy that can move and resembles a meteor in the sky. If it so much as touches you, BAM! Bonding time. You have no choice as the Kage's spirit is much stronger than a human's, but at the same time, know that the kages will be seeking individuals that they feel most comfortable binding too, for whatever the reason