Ok, so. I'll just make a bunch of bullet points to try to deal with everyone's concerns. [list] [*]Eldricth! I am (now) aware that that word is mostly used in a magical context, and isn't really used to describe any "sciency" things, but I didn't know that at the time I made my CS. I simply wanted to convey the idea that Daniyal's power source comes from an unknown and weird place, and I never intended it to be akin to something like mana. Besides, calling some eldritch is much cooler than calling it a Chutulu or weird fifty times over. [*] Warping reality is a subset of Daniyal's powers, not the main focus. What Daniyal is proficient in is warping molecules. For example, speeding them up to make something hotter, increasing their density, etc. Warping reality involves stuff like slowing an area's perception of time, teleportation, etc. While I understand that people may think this is unfair, and that Daniyal is too OP. I did try to set in limitations that will limit, such as the wonderful possibility that Daniyal might accidently kill himself at any second if he misuses his powers too much, or the fact that warping organic matter is incredibly taxing on him as to ensure he never just liquifies you or something. I'm going to make sure warping reality is set to an absolute minimum, and that warping molecules will be the main focus. [*] Daniyal's mind warping is [i]not[/i] mind control, Daniyal is not able and will never be able to simply take over your mind and tell you what to do. No, what Daniyal can do however is warp your perception of reality. Some examples include inducing auditory and/or visual hallucinations, slowing down or speeding up your perception of times, inducing vivid visions, giving you false sensations, etc. Mind control will never be a part of his powers. [*] All those examples I listed in the Powers tab, Daniyal is capable of doing. But, he isn't capable of doing them [i]now[/i]. Daniyal's powers will obviously grow as he practices, but right now he is very weak. Stuff like warping your mind, teleportation, time displacement, etc. will kill him if he attempts them now. Maybe having a "skill tree" for all the characters will ensure that everyone will get a clear understanding of what a character can do at the moment, but that's a discussion for another time. So in short, right now you don't have to worry about Daniyal ripping a hole in the universe to summon a Lovecraftian beast. [/list] I hope that cleared up any questions! Feel free to ask any questions and/or concerns you have! I'll just go tweak my CS a bit and start work on an IC post.