[h1][color=seagreen]Rue[/color] & [color=OrangeRed]Theo[/color][/h1] He wasn't sure how much time had passed since the tall blond and Kyle had been in. Having merely gone back to doing little jobs in between dealing with customers. Which like most Mondays recently seemed to pretty quiet leaving Theo go about his little jobs at his own pace. Feeling a little more awake and in a pretty decent mood thanks Kyle and large blonde. Who Theo realized soon after she left he had forgotten to get her name again. It annoyed Theo that the chance had slipped him twice but quickly got over it. Confidant the chance would reappear, failing that he had his nickname which she didn't seem to mind. It didn't matter much now as he had focus on dealing with another customer. This one being the one that ordered the Rainbow Roses. This customer was a man being them for his wife. Who apparently loved them. The customer apparently interested in talking Theo's ear off as he collected his order. Theo wished the customer would just leave, as his conversation quickly what Theo though was to be boring as crap as kept going on about how his wife liked flowers. Theo more then happy when the customer said he had to leave, taking his order with him. The young man sighing as he was once left alone behind the counter. Theo having little else to do figured he'd sweep the floor for the third time this morning. Rue hummed as he entered the Enchanted Florist, Ange laying across his shoulders as usual. He had a few pots of Baby's Breath and a few other thing such as ferns and some bundles of Sweet Williams. He quickly put out his white sage cigarette and smiled at the young man behind the counter, recognizing him from the other night. [color=seagreen]"Hello, Theo,"[/color] he said. [color=seagreen]"Do you work here?"[/color] Theo was about to leave the counter to fetch the broom when he heard someone enter the shop. The bell rung as whoever it was entered. The deciding to wait and see who it was before doing anything. Theo frowning at the man who did recognize but failed to recall the name of had cigarette. The frown faded, seeing the offending item it was quickly put out Theo given a slight bow to of the head in thanks. Looking at the man from last night Theo was quick to notice the cat and few pots and bundles of a few different plants. Theo quickly thinking the man, whose name he was still failing to recall. Must have been here to sell them. [color=OrangeRed][i]"This might be interesting,[/i][/color] Theo thought smiling at the man has he said hello and asked if he worked her. [color=OrangeRed]"Hello ... ... ah Rue. I hope to you are having a pleasant day. To answer your question, yes I do work here. So I bid you welcome to the Enchanted Florist. How may I assist you today?"[/color] Theo stated looking at the cat. [color=OrangeRed]"Good Morning to you as well Ange,[/color] Theo said wishing he could pet the cat. Looking at Ange had to remember he was at work so getting little excited over someone's cat wasn't not acceptable. Rue smiled as Ange hopped from his shoulder to jump onto the counter butting her soft head against Theo's chest. Rue walked over to the counter and set the pots down. [color=seagreen]"I came by to drop these off,"[/color] Rue said. [color=seagreen]"I connected with the owner of this shop before moving here and asked if she would like some when I finally came down and she said yes, but It seems that she's not here today."[/color] He sighed and smiled at Ange who was rubbing up against Theo. His little angel liked him a lot, it seemed. But then she usually liked everyone. However, she hadn't liked his last girlfriend. But he soon knew why when he found out that she had been cheating on him, and stealing from him. He kicked her right out of his life after that and swore to never again doubt Ange's judgement. [color=seagreen]"don't be afraid to pet her, Theo,"[/color] the Frenchman smiled. Watching Ange jump onto the counter Theo tried not frown. Really hopping right now another customer didn't come in and see the cat. The giving the cat a small smile as she headbutted him. Theo more then aware it was sign of affection from the animal. The young man more then pleased his first impression on the cat was positive one. Theo wanting to pet the cat more as it headbutted him. For now Theo was able to ignore the animal more interested in the pots Rue set on the counter. Saying he'd already talked to the boss and merely here to drop the pots of. [color=OrangeRed]"Alright. Did you and the boss agree on a price or payment of some sort?"[/color] Theo questioned not having been made aware of this little drop off. The owner forgetting to leave him a note about it. An event not uncommon as it was like the owners way of keeping her workers on their toes. Sadly most of them didn't always handle the unexpected well. When Rue said it was okay for Theo to pet Ange, he couldn't fight his urge to pet the cat. Theo giving a cat a several strokes followed by a quick scratch of the head and chin. Feeling pretty content Theo stopped turning back to Rue. [color=OrangeRed]"Thank you. Have to maintain professionalism, boss would eat me alive if I went gaga over a cat."[/color] [color=seagreen]"She said that the price depended on how many of each that I brought,"[/color] Rue replied, smiling as the feline got the attention that she had wanted. [color=seagreen]"Right now, for all of it, I would say around $150 to $180. But I don't need to be paid today. You could just leave a note for her, stating that I gave you a price range, and I'll leave my phone number with you, as well."[/color] When Theo said that his boss would eat him alive, Rue chuckled. [color=seagreen]"Don't let her,"[/color] he replied, amused. [color=seagreen]"Just tell her that it's all my fault for bringing Ange in the first place. To be fair, though, Ange goes where I go. Believe me, I've tried leaving her at home. It never worked. She always manages to find me."[/color] He gave his companion a stern look, to which she replied with one of those feline smiles. Rue broke down and joined Theo in petting her. He could never stay mad at her, no matter what she did. Hearing Rue say the boss hadn't given an exact price, Theo sighed. It was always a pain when the boss did something like this. Sadly it happened more often Theo would have liked. [color=OrangeRed]"Thank you. I'll have chat with her and contact you with a price ASAP,"[/color] Theo stated. Looking at the pots. Reaching under the bench he pulled out a stack of sticky notes and a pen. Making a quick note. Sticking it to the side of the register alongside to other notes. As Rue said simply don't tell the boss about the cat. Theo merely pointed camera the was directly above them aim right at the counter. [color=OrangeRed]"There now I wont forget. I'm sorry for the inconvenience,"[/color] Theo said giving a small laugh as Rue said to blame it on him and simply not to let her. [color=OrangeRed]"That is sadly easier said then done. Once the boss get on the war path that's it nothing can stop here. I doubt she'll care to much. Since your cat hasn't tried to eat anything. So, since I wont be paying you know. Your free to take you plants with you or you can leave them here. It's up to you?"[/color] [color=seagreen]"It's no problem, Theo,"[color] Rue replied, smiling as he gathered up his friendly feline. [color=seagreen]"I'll just leave them here. That way I don't have to lug them back to my loft."[/color] he headed for the door, waving to the friendly shop worker. [color=seagreen]"Have a good day, mon ami."[/color] Hear Rue say he'd leave the pots, Theo nodded. Trying to think of where he could put them as Rue headed towards the door. [color=OrangeRed]"Have a nice day Rue,"[/color] He stated in reply to Rue saying what he thought was goodbye in what he thought was French .