Instanced. The HUD meshing with the station's display blurred some sensible line where Kaite reached through with a free hand to gently graze over the cold buttons of the terminal. It was fantasy to imagine getting to take a shot at something outside of simulations and weapon tests, and the more his fingers lingered...the heavier they grew over the commands to initiate a firing sequence. [i]'I vouldn't kill eit...right? Just-'[/i] his thoughts shattered by the heavy metallic scrapes and clunks of Stun as they entered the bridge. Kaite's ears folded back, watching the monolithic construct out of the corner of his eye as he slumped down in the seat in an instinctive way to make himself less noticeable The hollowness of machines was respected by Kaite, and granting them sentience was any number of problems waiting to happen. Bias plays out more than 'racism'; the tools back at the labs were these large pyramid contraptions that were launched into holding cells in response to a few humans on the receiving end of the start of the rebellion. Autonomous drones programmed to seek and extract subjects by any means necessary. It starts with a question, and if the subject wouldn't step forward, they proceeded to terrorize the lot until they found who they were looking for. Having never been on the receiving end, Kaite had still been witness to the remorseless cruelty at the ends of steel claws...and had no intention of meeting such fates deemed 'less-than-lethal'. [color=8882be]"Ah...I-iz a solid plan"[/color] Kaite softly agreed, glancing at the highlights after blindly agreeing. With a flick of his gloved hand, the cannon munitions selector swiftly cycled until he held a splayed open palm to stop it on concussion rounds. [color=8882be]"Vehn do vee-"[/color] he began before the voice of Raymond rang through the comms, [i]expressly[/i] instructing them to stand by and therefore answering the bunnyboy's question. [color=8882be]"Zehy should be fine, ah?"[/color] he asked aloud, refraining from looking over to Stun in fear of direct 'eye' contact setting them off in some way. It seemed that it was answers abroad, today, as the tracking sensors picked up the glint of an arrow impacting the face of the beast and sending it into a writhing path in response. Through its violent motions and agile swerves to turn for another pass, the lock broke and began recalculating trajectory while the beast bared down on Captain Raymond. On the edge of his seat, shaking lightly, Kaite gave the targeting reticle a bit of lead to hopefully find the lock once more as it was all he could do with his instructions. He bit his lip, considering breaking command to risk dumb-firing the concussion rounds for the sake of the man's life. Thankfully, indecision played into the captain's hands while Kaite watched the resounding thump of fist impacting beak. Ears stood up along with raised fists as Kaite cheered a soft [color=8882be]"Yiss!"[/color] as he watched Raymond quickly pull himself up and hurry off through the snow. Automated targeting quickly found the bird, though the Aylv expected the beast to have learned its lesson after being shot in the eye and slugged out of the park.