[hider=Vadik / Rex / Oblivion][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/eFseRw9.jpg[/img] [color=royalblue]⍚ VADIK THE RUNT[/color] ⥥ [color=royalblue]20[/color] ⥥ [color=royalblue] MALE [/color]⥥ [color=royalblue] HETEROSEXUAL ⍚ [/color] [h3]"Even the strongest breaks."[/h3][/center] [center] [h1][color=royalblue][b]𝔐[/b]y [b]𝔐[/b]ortal [b]ℭ[/b][i]𝔬𝔦𝔩[/i][/color][/h1] [/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc] Unlike his name, Vadik is a brute of a man. Standing at 6’3’’ and endowed with impressive muscles, his stature along with numerous scars that marred his complexion betrays the life of conflict and violence many from the Craenak clan so readily embrace. Short, choppy black hair is often either tied back into a short pony tail or left in its natural messy state. His eyes are amber, not unlike the colour of honey, another characteristic that marked the hardy folks of Craenak. Rugged stubbles covered his jawline, divided by the occasional scars. Like most warriors of his clan, Vadik’s armor is a patch-work hide armor, comprised of bits and pieces of material gathered from his fallen enemies. Despite its origin, the armor was obviously constructed by a skilled hand. On his hip, Vadik wears a broad sword, the blade crudely forged but surprising sharp and well kept. He also carries with him a dagger as a secondary weapon. In accordance with tradition, in formal settings, it is often to see the men from his clan wearing crimson wrappings around their forearms, said to have been stained in the blood of their kills and blessed with magic to retain its colour. Vadik’s proof of the kill is oddly absence. As expected of a deity who wears his body like a cloak, he does not have a curse mark, for there has never been a curse to begin with. However, excessive use of eldritch power would lead to corruption of the flesh, then finally the expiration of the host. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]P[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc] In all sense of the word, Vadik is a broken man. At first sight, one will note that he has a quiet, obedient demeanour unless provoked. Tasked with the protection of his chief, he is often seen looming behind the man, hand on his weapon and an intense glare in his eyes. But underneath the icy visage, a fiery rage boils, his better nature at war with his unyielding sense of duty. However, for all his roaring and thrashing, he was unable to find a suitable solution to his predicament. This brings about even more rage and frustration, mostly directed at himself. Furthermore, as the result of being raised to become something less than human, he suffers from crippling self-esteem issues and a difficulty in forming attachments. To the outside world, he keeps his head up and feeds his dark crave for senseless violence by feigning a short temper. Combat is his personal brand of freedom; only in the thick of it does he feel alive, as it probably is the only thing in his life he has control over. However, Vadik is not without his redeeming qualities. He is fiercely devoted, once his loyalty has been gained. His determination is uncommon, and his will indomitable. For a man who has long given up on life, death and pain does not faze him, let alone hardship. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]B[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] I O G R A P H Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc] [url=http://imgur.com/a/QHW04]Craenak[/url] is located furthest North compared to other tribes, its hardy men and women craving out a bloody existence among the harsh snowy mountains. The temperature barely hovers above zero at any given time of the day, so the tribe adapted in the form of warm fur clothing and sturdy, heavily fortified settlements. Due to the unforgiving nature of their surroundings, the Craenak has long given up on the futile tasks of farming, but instead they have turned to hunting and trading valuable commodities such as ores and furs for other goods. Given the numerous species of bizarre beasts that roam the mountains, Craenak breeds peerless monster hunters and exceptional warriors to combat this threat. However, the steep learning curve of these professions kept their number small, so it is not often to see members of the Craenak away from their precious mountains, with the exceptions of the rare trading trips and gatherings of the clans. Though a practical people, the Craenak does hold ceremonies for certain deities. Born the third son of the current chief, Vadik was already chosen before his birth to guard his father’s back with his life, in corcodance with tradition. Craenak gave free reign to any of its members to challenge and fight for the title of chief, so Vadik was tasked with championing his father in these duels, just like those before him. His training began as a tender age, and due to his small stature then, he was often teased by his elders and instructors. None of them had ever thought Vadik would grow up to become one of the best warriors their clan had given birth to. After the death of his uncle, Vadik officially claimed the title of Champion, then began to start answering the challenges in his father’s name. And he had never lost. Until the man was supposed to die for did just that before him. After the untimely death of the chief, his eldest son rose to took the title. However, Vidak knew his brother far too well. Viklaus, unlike his predecessors, had never been contended in the mountains. Craenak had excellent warriors, but they were not soldiers. Conflicts with other tribes would bring nothing good, yet, it was exactly what Viklaus was looking for. Many feared that the new chief’s ambition would bring their clan to ruin, yet, there are many more that support him. Vadik had yet to pick a side, but then again, he would never be allowed to. His life was forfeit years ago, and when his father finally passed, he was beginning to question his allegiance. That was, until he encountered a person at one of many Gatherings, and for the first time in many years, he felt hope. He longed for each and every one of those fleeting moments, the thoughts of deserting the clan have been floating on the front of his mind more and more often. Then, fate saw it fit to end his life. A seasoned warrior challenged in Viklaus’ absence. Vidak stepped up to answer in his brother’s stead. A dance of steel later, and he knew his time was up. The warrior displayed inhuman dexterity and strength, and before long, he felt cold steel in his chest. Days later, he woke up in his bed, the healers sang prayers to the gods for his miraculous recovery. They told him that the warrior fell where he stood, struck down by a strange disease. It was the will of the gods. But little did they know, Vidak was gone. Only a mangled god remained. [/color] [color=royalblue][b]Memories Retained:[/b][/color] [list][*]Too many, yet not enough. [*][*][/list][/indent] [center] [h1][color=royalblue]𝔐y ℑmmortal 𝔖[i]𝔬𝔲𝔩[/i][/color][/h1] [color=royalblue]⍚ REX[/color] ⥥ [color=797a9e]VOID[/color] ⥥ [color=royalblue] MALE [/color]⥥ [color=797a9e] HETEROSEXUAL ⍚ [/color] [color=Crimson][sub][b]DARK GOD[/b][/sub][/color] [color=#9999FF][h3][quote=Litany of an unknown cult] Ask and you shall receive, sacred brother. [/quote][/h3][/color][/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]G[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e]O D L Y A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b] [center][IMG]http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/f6b4c5d3fdc708ee385f89e5feda465d-d54l7v4_zpshhgeg6m7.jpg[/IMG][/center] [indent][color=cccccc][color=cccccc]Like many of his brethren, Rex does possess a humanoid form. Nothing more than a bag of mummified bones wrapped in drags, he appears to be more undead than god. However, within the crumbling body, dark eldritch magic pulses. As a shattered god, Rex has little qualms when it comes to leaving his body behind. During these moments, he can take his [url=http://imgur.com/oOe58Xi]true form[/url]. [/color][/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]K[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] N O W N F O R[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc] Among some mortals, Rex is hailed as the Mangled God, granter of dark desires and devourer of souls. It is said that certain rituals can summon him, and in exchange for a price, he would see your desires fulfilled. To others, Rex is the god of corruption and sacrifice, the ancient evil that one day will come to devour the world.[/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]F[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] O R M A T I V E M O M E N T S I N H I S T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b] [indent][color=cccccc] A primordial god, Rex once tread the galaxy as one of the most powerful immortal. During his bid for the Throne of gods, however, he was killed, his soul shattered and cast into the Void. For almost an eternity, pieces of him drifted in the Great Beyond, feeding on scraps of other fallen gods until he regained just enough strength to gather and become whole again. Yet, a shattered mirror could never be the same again, no matter how many times it is put back. Rex knew this far too well, for he couldn’t even summon enough hatred to go after his enemies of old. His being is hollowed, dead in all senses, saved for the raging hunger of the eldritch horrors that sustain him. Even his Starkissed was lost to him, her visage forgotten amidst the swirling chaos of his shattered mind. So Rex abandoned the world of gods and dabbled in the affairs of men, for only through their fragile minds could he feel again. Leaping from mortals to mortals, Rex allows them a second chance in the face of death and feeds upon their rage and desires. Then the Dark Gods enacted their plan, casting immortals from heaven like shooting stars. Rex watched, until the Dark Ones found his original body and demanded his cooperation. [/color][/indent] [center] [h1][color=royalblue]𝔐y 𝔊ifts 𝔚[i]𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫[/i][/color][/h1] [/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]S[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] K I L L S E T[/color][/sub][/b] [list][*][color=9999FF]Prowler[/color] Like most members of his clan, Vadik is a hunter and he moved like one. Fur boots silenced his steps, and treacherous grounds does slow him. [*][color=797a9e]Hunter[/color] Tracking beasts comes natural for him, and by following the stars and the moon above, Vadik does not wander astray. [*][color=9999FF]Jailer[/color] Excelled at hiding his presence, Rex can easily avoid detection from other Gods. Even as they peer into his soul, he would weave the scraps of his host’s dying spirit into an effective camouflage. (Negative modifier when roll for detection) [/list] [list] [*][color=797a9e]Survivor[/color] Taught to be self-sufficient from a tender age, Vadik knows how to look out for himself in the wilderness. He knows some basic medications found in natural plants and rudimentary first-aids. [*][color=9999FF]Killer[/color] Mastering the blade from a young age, along with thousands years of experience borrowed from the Mangled God, Vadik’s skills far exceeded that of a mortal man. However, when he tapped into the god’s knowledge, there might be chance he could hurt himself due to the limitations of mortal bodies. [*][color=797a9e]Pretender[/color] Straddling that fragile line between life and death, Vadik no longer possesses many mortal attachments. If he so wanted, Rex could easily block out any uncomfortable sensation of the body. Mind magic does not work as well on his host, just as blood and pain no longer deter him. [/list] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] B I L I T I E S[/color][/sub][/b] [color=9999FF][b]Life Force[/b][/color]: [color=cccccc]0/0 (ignore for now)[/color] [color=9999FF][b]Aspect of the Mind[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]Rex is the horror that prowls between the stars. His power is beyond mortals to comprehend.[/i][/color] [indent] [color=797a9e]The Devourer[/color] As mortals breathe their last, Rex can devour their mind, learning their memories and skills. However, without his immortal body, these knowledges are only available for a short while and would soon be lost. [color=797a9e]The Exiled[/color] Enveloping his host in a mass of eldritch power, Rex provides moderate protection against physical attacks. [color=797a9e]The Ancient[/color] The old god let his mask slip for a brief moment, forcing his will upon whoever he makes eye contact with. The victim would either break and bend to his will, or be instilled with a crippling sense of dread. [/indent] [color=9999FF][b]Aspect of the Soul[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]The hunger of the Void stays with him, in the end.[/i][/color] [indent] [color=797a9e]The Executioner[/color] With each enemy felled by his host, Rex can choose to devour the ebbing life force from the dying and enhance the strength of his vessel. However, excessive consumption of life force can lead to the vessel’s bursting. (Absorb life force. Maximum 5) [color=797a9e]The Skinwalker[/color] Taking over a mortal’s body is nothing more than child play to Rex. He wears them like cloaks and discards them just as easily. However, after taking over a body, it takes a certain amount of time for him to adjust properly. (Unable to use godly power after a certain amount of time) [color=797a9e]The Soulreaper[/color] Attacking the soul of a victim directly could lead to a quick and clean victory. To mortals, taking the brunt of this attack means that their soul would be shattered and death unavoidable. However, when used on immortals, it can disrupt the use of their divine abilities. (Suffer negative modifier to their ability rolls) [/indent] [color=9999FF]Aspect of the Flesh[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Infused with the eldritch horrors from the Great Beyond, Rex can call upon something truly monstrous. [/i][/color] [indent] [color=797a9e]The Corruptor[/color] When his host suffered a mortal wound, Rex could choose to keep the body alive by infusing it with twisted horrors of the Void. The change is permanent, and his host will become a horrifying abomination, slowing bursting at the seams until the moment its rage expired. [color=797a9e]The Architect[/color] When occupying a host body, Rex could choose to make more subtle alterations to it, enhancing its speed and strength. However, this means that his presence would also become more detectable. If the body is inflicted with physical wounds, Rex can also repair it immediately using his eldritch power. However, these repairs will leave their marks in the form of purplish spots and veins. Too many of these and the body would eventually be corrupted and morph into an abomination. [color=797a9e]The Great Old One[/color] [i][color=cccccc] By sacrificing his host body, Rex brings a piece of the Void into the world. This creates a portal that allowed creatures and horrors from the Void to cross over into the human world shortly. As it closes, the portal exploded, wiping out any lifeforms in its radius, leaving behind only raging horrors and shambling beasts. [/color][/i][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]I[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] N V E N T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=cccccc] A sword, two daggers, hide armor. [/color][/i] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=royalblue][b]O[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] T H E R[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=royalblue]Colour Code: royalblue.[/color][/i] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]R[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] E L A T I O N S H I P S[/color][/sub][/b] [center][b][color=cccccc]Will you participate in the Relationship Assignment?: Aye aye captain [/color][/b] [color=cccccc][i]This section will be replaced with a Relation Sheet.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] [hider=Vadik's Relation Sheet][hr][b][color=royalblue]O[/color][sub][color=797a9e] V E R V I E W :[/color][/sub][/b][hr][indent][color=#f48e8e][b]⍚ L[/b]ove:[/color] Xena [color=#a7e5b1][b]⍚ F[/b]riend:[/color] Rimguage and Khyrian [color=#edaf82][b]⍚ E[/b]nemy:[/color] Raydon and Bahji [color=#c8d396][b]⍚ A[/b]quaintance:[/color]Floran Fyldren[/indent] [hider=Strangers] [color=yellow]Alexis:[/color] [color=9999FF]Kenzie:[/color] [color=F72E4C]Numas Inora:[/color] [color=slategray]Eilidh Ua Briain:[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Stalana:[/color] [color=mediumvioletred]Ophelia:[/color] [color=d264de]Narcissa:[/color] [color=EE82EE]Valerie:[/color] [color=3CB371]Feir:[/color] [color=611B90]Kenzie Moraitis:[/color] [color=#32645b]Persephone:[/color] [color=#fea995]Éclair:[/color] [/hider] [color=D17B0F][b]R[/b][/COLOR][color=F2A541][sub][b] I M G U A G E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=royalblue]"[b]Still just a boy, after all this time.[/b]."[/color] [color=D17B0F][b]Friend[/b][/color] [/center] [indent] When they were just boys, the years had been kinder on Craenak’s grounds. The winter wasn’t as harsh and the roads remained open even during the coldest months. Craenak used this opportunity to trade frequently with their southern neighbours. It was during one of these trips that Vadik first met Rimguage. Back then, he was far younger and the smiles came far easier, so the two became fast friend. Having yet grown into his position, Vadik still had a certain degree of freedom, so he tagged along the trading caravan often to visit his friend. However, once his position had begun to take up all of his time, Vadik ceased these visits. Still, the years are long. It is always good to see a familiar face. [/indent] [color=e93b1c][b]F[/b][/COLOR][sub][b][color=gold] L O R A N[/color][/b][/sub] [color=e93b1c][b]C[/b][/color][sub][b][color=gold] E S T A N Z[/color][/b][/sub][hr][center][color=royalblue]"[b]An outsider.[/b]."[/color] [color=e93b1c][b]Acquaintance[/b][/color] [/center] [indent] One of his brother's many mercenaries, Vadik known of Floran through rumors alone. [/indent] [color=9999FF][b]X[/b][/COLOR][color=797a9e][sub][b] E N A[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=royalblue]"[b]There are precious little I wouldn’t do for her.[/b]."[/color] [color=9999FF][b]Love[/b][/color] [/center] [indent] Vadik first met Xena at one of the clans’ Gathering, when he was still young and unguarded. His eyes lingered far longer than appropriate, and tried as he might, the memories of her remained with him. As Fate would have it, years later, he saw her again while riding through the dense forest in Abaneki’s territory. His brother had given very specific instructions for him not to stray too far away from the hunting party, yet, he still disobeyed in order to save her from a stray beast. And from then on, she was the centre of his world. Their relationship is not forbidden, but Vadik has good reason to keep it a secret. The Abaneki would not have its heiress associating herself with a Craenak’s barbarian, and his brother considered him far too important as a pawn to lose. Regardless, Vadik still found himself looking forward to their rare meetings. [/indent] [color=9999FF][b]B[/b][/COLOR][color=797a9e][sub][b] A H J I[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=royalblue]"[b]For all his pretty words, it would always come down to violence.[/b]."[/color] [color=797a9e][b]Enemy[/b][/color] [/center] [indent] Vadik has a distaste for men who hides their sharpened blades behind smiling faces. During one of Bahji’s trading trips that took him into Craenak’s territory, the man had some dispute with some locals. Vadik had been there to watch how the situation escalated into violence, and he learnt that Bahji’s approachable demeanour was just skin-deep. [/indent] [color=crimson][b]R[/b][/COLOR][color=dimgray][sub][b] A Y D O N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=royalblue]"[b] Just because you put a collar on a beast and starve the fight out of it doesn’t mean it is tamed.[/b]."[/color] [color=dimgray][b]Enemy[/b][/color] [/center] [indent]During one of his short visit to the Karill, one of the slavers there had offered him an opportunity for a friendly duel with his slaves. His brother saw this as a challenge to Craenak’s might, so he was thrust into the duelling ring with Raydon. The man was far skilled to be just a common slave though, but their fight was interrupted soon afterward. Regardless, Vadik had a feeling he wouldn’t see the last of this slave.[/indent] [color=purple][b]K[/b][/COLOR][sub][b][color=black] H Y R I A N[/color][/b][/sub] [color=purple][b]F[/b][/color][sub][b][color=black] A U R U S[/color][/b][/sub][hr][center][color=royalblue]"[b]Unexpectedly good company, despite what others might say.[/b]."[/color] [color=black][b]Friend[/b][/color] [/center] [indent] Vadik first met Khyrian a few years ago when the man travelled into Craenak’s territory to hunt and trade. Naturally, a few of the hunters felt that Khyrian had stolen their kill, and a duel was set up to resolve such dispute. After witnessing one of his clansmen so easily defeated, Vadik was ordered to step in to ‘test this outsider’s mettle’, or so his father said. They went at it for a couple of rounds, before the Craenak’s chief called the duel off and named Khyrian an honoured guest of the clan. Since then, Vadik found a sparring partner in Khyrian. He had some respect for the man, and despite his clansmen’s suspicion about Khyrian’s origin, Vadik did not pry. For him, the here and the now was enough. [/indent] [color=df6ca3][b]F[/b][/COLOR][color=c26994][sub][b] Y L D R E N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=royalblue]"[b] Heir to the Longear's tribe, or so I was told.[/b]."[/color] [color=df6ca3][b]Acquaintance[/b][/color] [/center] [indent]Both being sons of a clan's chief, it is rather expected that they have met during one of the Gatherings. Vadik was mildly curious about what kind of chief Fyldren will become. Because frankly, he does not look like one. Then again, there are many different types of strength. [/indent] [/hider]