[center][i][b]Name:[/b] Kujitsawa no Yoshitsune [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/84/ee/91/84ee91147b36975c562cfbfc9bcb6d48.jpg[/img] Yoshitsune stands at 5’11 and has a fairly thickset frame, a body clearly tempered on the battlefield. Despite this many of his features are also quite delicate, especially his hands - an odd culmination of diplomat and warrior. His face is well formed with deep ridges along the jaw line and high, prominent cheekbones, his complexion is pale and his brow furrowed. His face is one that matches well with the a face of concern or caution, and a smile can sometimes seem alien when they appear on his face - despite this they are bright and full of emotion. His eyes are a deep sea green, filled with wisdom and they almost have a caressing feel to them - despite this they can on occasion don a stare that seems as if he is peering into your very soul. His hair is held in a traditional top-knot and is typically well oiled - giving his jet black hair a nice glossy sheen to it whenever his helmet is off and the sun catches it. [/i][/center] [b]Weapons:[/b] A five foot long pole-arm Naginata, a tempered steel blade with a decorative black lacquered wood pole, adorned with red cotton. His Katana holds a very similar design ethic to his Naginata, this is used for the truly close quarters, brawling in the mud and rain types of fighting. Strapped to his side is also a Tanto - which is used for collecting heads and, if the need ever arises - to commit the act of disembowelment in ritual suicide, rather than bring any dishonour. [b]Class:[/b]Berserker. [b]Bio:[/b]Yoshitsune hails from Igawa province - this province a subsidiary of the major provincial land that is Ameratsu- a proud warrior, son and heir to the daimyo of the Kujitsawa clan. The province is a small and typically mountainous region, it prides itself in its stonemasons and lacquer works that produce the finest bows and staves - and of course above all it prides itself in its Naginata warriors - trained by Shinto-Buddhist monks that have temples dotted around the mountains, their patience and calm in the middle of battle is unnerving, but even more so is their feverish and ferocious charge into battle - ever the need to claim the first kill for their Daimyo has ensured that warriors of this province be both respected and feared. Yoshitsune is definitely a man who professes this sentiment more than most others in the clan, the heir to the clan itself he has been trained in many arts that is befitting of the next ruler. Trained in poetry, calligraphy, hunting, horse riding and the biwa, a fair list of traits that continue to grow with every day. When Yoshitsune ascended to adulthood he began to assume new roles within his clan, mainly he helped to ensure that the realm was secure and above all, safe. The Oni presented a threat that required vigilance, despite the fact that a peace between the Oni and humans existed it was little secret that it was tense, humans are a naturally violent race, one that seeks conflict and rarely gets on with anything that it sees as its equal, or a greater than itself. Oni, despite being extremely wide and varied as a race are typically more powerful than the average human, and despite the peace, there are always those that seek to break it or care little for it, both human and Oni alike. It’s this life that Yoshitsune has been living that has caused a deep-seated mistrust and hate rise for the Oni, despite the fact that he knows that many live in relative peace within his own province, Igawa it doesn’t change the fact that they are typically stronger than the average human - if they willed it they could easily annihilate the human race, probably the only factor holding them back is that it would be a long and bloody war. This is a sentiment and thought that has dwelled in him for a great deal of time, but one that forced the seed to blossom was one Oni in particular, a fearsome demon Oni that called himself Gagoze - a monstrous entity that attacked the pilgrims and priests at the temples that dotted the landscape. By the time Yoshitsune and his retainers made it to where it nested it had already killed 12 people; an abomination that needed to be killed. Yoshitsune was repulsed that an Oni would prey on the devout and pious - religion was one of the few cornerstones that allowed Oni and Human alike to work together and live together. It was the autumn dusk when Yoshitsune and his loyal retainers stood before the Oni, the demon has piercing red eyes, a face that could curdle milk - covered from head to toe in matted fur and large talons that he used to kill his prey. It shouted at them in a guttural unknown language before lunging at Daijiku no Iawaysu, a man whom had served Yoshitsune and his clan loyally for years, in mere moments his life brought to an abrupt end. And with that Yoshitsune and the rest of his men attacked as demons themselves, a fervour and wind at their back that the divines themselves would struggle to muster. Hate and anger fuelled their swings and it cost them two more lives and several injuries before the beats lie broken at Yoshitsunes feet - his Naginata buried deep into its beastial chest. This creature, this monster was what started and fuelled a great and deep hate for all Oni kind in Yoshitsunes breast; he was kind to those whom he knew where kind hearted, but his hand never rested by his side when near them from that day, his blade and spear both ready to strike if their hearts ever changed. That is what Yoshitsune has spent his life fighting against, protecting both his lands and people from the dangers that come from the lawless and honour-less curs that seek to damage the world they live in. Despite this sentiment, Yoshitsune picked up a powerful spirit warrior - whilst not an Oni, it wasn't exactly far from the mark in his eyes, she aided a great deal against the fight of another powerful Oni, ever since that day the once Ronin; Lyn Saito has become his most trusted and powerful retainer, and ally. The Kujitsawa clan is loyal to the death to the Emperor; his will divine, ordained through the gods themselves and voiced by the Emperor - to defy any order, is to defy the Gods themselves an act punishable only with death - it is through this divine will that the heir of the Kujitsawa goes to O-kuni village, in order to work with Human and Oni alike to do that which he has spent much of his adult life doing - protecting the realm. [Hider=Yoshitsunes and Lyns story (Tbc)][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Yoshitsune has been taught in diplomacy and etiquette, he is well spoken and in terms of talking to his betters and superiors he is humble, to his peers and equals he is respectful and to those whom are his lessers he is commanding but kind. Never one to incite conflict through the art of speech he will is best described as a diplomat. This is however very different when it comes to those who are his close friends, and those he regards with high respect. Whilst his demeanour is commonly serious and formal, he can easily let his hair down so to speak and get chummy with everyone, typically this occurs after he has went through a battle with them as in his opinion you don’t know someone's worth until you see them fight in the heat of battle. [b]Special ability:[/b] Battle cry - Yoshitsune unleashes a primal burst of energy deep from within his lungs, a very loud cry of pure unfettered energy that inspires those that with him to fight with renewed energy, as if given a second wind, and equally as it is effective for his allies it is devastating for foes, it has a very large impact on enemy morale and willingness to fight, those that don’t flee will struggle to fight as effectively - but it can only be used once per engagement. [b] Misc.:[/b] His father is named Kujitsawa no Yoshiie, his age is 61 and is the current Daimyo.