When Sir Eglamour first appeared, Dee T. thought she was looking at a monster. Nothing that size could be anything but, not helped at all by the fact that he rode horseback, making him look even larger. She wasn't sure what she should be fearing more-the incoming troops of Bowser's army, or the leviathan on horseback who rode towards her postion. She got her answer rather soon. "What the-?!" Was all one Goomba had time to say before Eglamour's lance jabs sent him spiraling out of control, crashing into some nearby rubble. He was the most talkative of the bunch, and soon they were dispatched in short order. Dee T. still eyed her savior with caution, though it did drop somewhat upon hearing his voice. It was, despite the outdated language and the intensity of the situation, smooth as butter. Knowing she hadn't the time to process her savior any further, she merely accepted his help in removing the rubble from her brother Dane T.'s unconscious form, hiking him up on her back as she glanced around. The town still crawled with Goombas and Koopas, though the number had clearly been whittled down. Even if some of what was left was bearing down on them. For a moment, Dee T. thought. 'This guy...Maybe this guy could help us.' She thought hopefully. While other Toads seemed to be fleeing to the forest for safety, Dee T.'s eyes darted about and settled upon the local shop, which outside of a hole in the roof looked just fine. "There!" She said, pointing at the shop and trying to make sure her brother didn't fall on to the cobblestone ground below at the same time "Take me there, please! I can only give you my sincerest gratitude in return, but if you cannot take me...Thank you for what you've already done." [@Blight Bug] ---------------------------- As Harvey conversed with Haruki, the guard surrounding them came back to the lake Haruki had been fishing at not long before. Several of the Koopas slipped into the water, shells up, and waited. The head Koopa turned back to his 'guests', briefly wondering if this would work with someone as big as Haruki. "So...I'm sure you probably know this by now fisherman, but the fish in this lake aren't exactly friendly," he explained rubbing the back of his head "for your own safety, we're gonna need you to ride on our backs, alright?" The lake was more long than wide, but it still looked to be a good fifty to sixty good feet from shore to shore. [@Scrapula] [@clanjos] --------------------------------- Jasper had easily recovered by the time Isei had jumped behind her, and while her frustration was mounting with this strange little man, the Goombas were making their rounds again. She felt like venting some stress. Helmet shining in the sun, she reared back and started squashing the brown mushroom esque creatures into a fine paste, sometimes headbutting them more than was absolutely necessary (i.e. once), but damn did it feel good to let loose like that. She looked over her shoulder at Isei, the smirk that had adorned her face fading as she realized the human wasn't even paying attention. She turned her attention to what he saw and... Jasper blinked a few times. Maybe this was Blue Diamond's way of bringing her back to Homeworld. She couldn't think of anything other than a Diamond that could produce that kind of power, and she watched in awe as the enemy ships were crushed in mid air, only one escaping with noticeable wounds. She tensed at Isei's question, whirling around and snarling. [color=FFA500]"Are you dense? Of course not,"[/color] Jasper answered honestly [color=FFA500]"only a Diamond is capable of that kind of power. If a quartz soldier like me got a hold of that kind of power, it'd bring chaos and rebellion to Homeworld." [i]'Again'[/i][/color] Jasper kept that last part to herself. If this human really was unaware of the glory that was Homeworld, she didn't particularly feel like giving out a history lesson to him. That was that traitorous Peridot's job anyway. [@Zero Hex]