Morton knew he would have to work fast for this. His fleet was disintegrating around him, with only his flagship still flying and limping back to the stronghold of the castle, and his foot soldiers weren't doing much better. Whatever mercenaries these Toads had hired (and he assumed they were mercenaries), they were something else. Freakishly strong, nearly every single one of them. He would probably take care of them personally down the line, but for now this came first. Morton also knew that Ludvig was probably going to give him hell over losing as many ships as he did on a simple bombing run. Bringing back something that had singlehandedly destroyed one of his ships though...Well, that would certainly make up for it. The Koopaling pursued Samus' gunship, giving the black hole a wide berth as he closed in on it. The chase was going to push his clown car to the limit, but his mind was made up now. He wanted his new battleships to be as good as that one, and as boring as it was, Morton knew he'd had to capture it in one piece to do it. Morton reached into the confines of his clown car, clutching his ruby red wand. He wished he had opted for a color like brown or grey instead, but he couldn't deny the tool's effective nature. Giving his car a few gentle taps with the wand, Morton was able to not only keep up, but catch up with Samus' ship. What needed to happen next involved Morton's biggest positive-brute strength. Samus would only have moments to react before she saw Morton fly over her on her radar. She'd have less time to react when she heard a thunk noise on her ship's roof, followed by the unmistakeable noise of an explosion. Morton had ejected himself from the clown car, activating it's self destruct mechanism as he popped out. He shielded his eyes as the explosion occurred, his tough Koopa hide preventing the explosion or resulting shrapnel from doing any true damage. He was able to hold on to the ship with only one hand, his obsidian black hammer clenched in the other. Crawling up the ship, he swung his hammer at the green visor of it. Morton could see one of two possibilities for this-either he'd smash the glass and yank whoever was piloting this thing out of its own ship and send them hurtling to the ground, or the explosion already knocked out the glass and his hammer would knock out the pilot. Still, he supposed he could be surprised, but there wasn't any turning back now. [@Lmpkio] ----------------------------- Dee T. gasped in surprise as Sir Eglamour pulled her and Dane T. up on to his horse, finding her short stubby legs just a bit too narrow to be able to fit on to it so easily as he did. Still, she made the best of it, gripping on to her brother with one hand and gripping the saddle with the other. Several Koopas and Goombas had closed in, but before they could attack Sir Eglamour had hopped on to his steed and started heading off. What happened during that short ride to the shop dispelled any doubt in Dee T.'s mind that Sir Eglamour could help them. As he charged towards the shop, any Koopa who tried to undercut his horse ended up getting kicked away for their trouble, bouncing about like a hockey puck for a few minutes before stopping to get taken out for one reason or another. The ride seemed to happen in slow motion to her, and she was pretty sure she didn't blink once during it. She didn't want to miss a single moment. Soon, they reached the shop, at which point Dee T. grabbed on to Dane T. and dismounted, albeit rather clumsily. Assuming that Sir Eglamour would follow her inside, she rushed inside the slightly broken down shop, what was left of its wares strewn about messily and several portions of the roof looking as if they threatened to collapse. Dee T. didn't particularly care about that though. What she was looking for was on the floor after all. "Where...Here!" She shouted gleefully as she found a few planks of wood that looked off from the straight pattern the rest was set in. Rather, it looked more like an octagon. She pressed two hidden switches on the ground with her feet, and what sounded like a pair of suction cups coming apart filled the air. Setting her brother down, Dee T. crouched down and grabbed a small crease in the floor, lifting up. Soon, the octagon was pushed away, revealing a hidden tunnel in the ground with a ladder leading downwards. She panted a bit from the effort, going to pick her brother back up before pausing, turning back to Sir Eglamour. "Thank you again," She said kindly, clearing her throat awkwardly "if it weren't for you, I'm sure my brother and I would be dead by now. But...I'm afraid I must ask you for more. What you saw out there is merely a portion of a massive army that threatens me, this town, everyone I care about...And we need help. The hero who we once turned to has vanished, and although you have only arrived today, I can see no other hero amongst us besides you. Will you help us?" [@Blight Bug]