[u]Uicle[/u] [color=1a7b30]Uicle briefly scanned the group in front of him, stopping in brief surprise at only the sight of Mar and Aramir. "Most of you know the situation in Yarosmere. For those of you that don't, I'll give the briefest version I can." [/color]He didn't even bother trying to put it nicely. [color=1a7b30]"Yarosmere has undergone a violent and fanatical coup. The old social order, and nearly all of it's nobles, has been violently displaced. It's all under the rule of 'The Prophet of the Sand God'. The Prophet has disposed of the King, executed almost the entirety of the upper class, and rules Yarosmere with an iron grip. The people there are fanatical for him." "In addition to his brutal rise to power, The Prophet has deemed that Naga are an impurity to be cleansed. He has commanded his armies to eradicate all the Naga in his domain, and has had great success. As far as we know, Mar's tribe is the only one to have escaped. Even then, they were severely depleted and on the verge of annihilation. He doesn't have as much control as it appears, however. Before the diplomat killed himself, screaming about how The Prophet knows all the secrets men try to hide, he revealed that there is a resistance movement in Yarosmere. They call themselves the Shadows of the Kingdom. They launch constant hit and run attacks. Killing soldiers, burning granaries, assassinating mages, so on so forth. They're generally doing their best to be a thorn in the side of the Prophet, and seem to be doing a well enough job. Despite all this, The Prophet is cordial to new diplomacy and relations. That's where you all come in."[/color] Uicle gestured to the students before him. [color=1a7b30]"Your job is to go into Yarosmere and find out exactly how bad it is there. You're to establish a basis of relations between the College and The Prophet. If you can do so without being executed as spies or traitors, establish contact with these Shadows as well."[/color] He steepled his fingers, looking from one student to the next, with a piercing gaze. [color=1a7b30]"Let me make one thing perfectly clear. You will see horrors in Yarosmere. Fanatics mutilating themselves. People being slain for not believing in the Sand God. Nagas tortured and made to go into their Malice mode for pure amusement. Your job is to report, not intervene. Do you understand? No matter what you see, no matter what happens right in front of you, if it is not in the aid or defense of the current government, [i]do not get involved.[/i] You do not have diplomatic immunity. You are guests, walking on very thin ice with them, and we will not be able to protect you." "If any of you have been to the human parts of Yarosmere before, discard all that you know of them. It has changed entirely. Somethings may still be familiar, but for the most part it is an entirely knew country. Act like you're new and unfamiliar with their customs, and you may be given lee way for any transgressions, real or imagined, that you make." [/color]Uicle scanned them one last time, wondering if sending a Naga and a Snow Elf into the hot desert nation that had nearly eradicated said Naga's tribe was a good idea. [color=1a7b30]"The cart will be ready to take you to Yarosmere in two hours. Grab what you need, and I suggest you pack clothing appropriate for extreme heat, extra water containers, and food. You're going to need it. Good luck."[/color] With that, and a wave of his hand, Uicle dismissed them. "How did I ever let you convince me to do this..." Aramir complained to Myrn, heading out the door. Gods above, but she was going to need help.