[h2][center][color=9e0b0f]Zachary Carpenter[/color][/center][/h2] [hr][center]Location: Police Station Interacting With: Other Police Officers[/center][hr] He was exhausted, there was no doubt about it. Calls coming in constantly, mostly from people who were panicking. Zachary needed to go home and lie down. He long ago lost count of how many cups of coffee he had so far. When he finally thought that he had a moment where he could head home, another call came in. Zachary had been running around town all night, one of his deputies walked up to him and started talking about four more calls. He was speaking so quickly that Zachary had to cut him off and make him slow down. After a few moments, he believed he understood, somewhat. [color=9e0b0f]"Let me get this straight, the warden called about something. The makeshift shelter leader is having problems and needs help, there is a fire on Grant Road and another call about the cemetery. Is that it?"[/color] he asked the deputy, who just nodded in response. [i]Well, the warden should be able to handle any problems, though I hate having to leave him on his own. The fire department can get sent off after the fire. That leaves me with two options, the shelter, or the cemetery. I for one know which one would be slightly less creepy, and what would most likely be helpful to the town's citizens.[/i] [color=9e0b0f]"Tell the Fire Deparment and send them out after the fire. Call the warden and tell him that I can't help him right now. I'm heading out to the makeshift shelter to see what the problem there is. Hopefully I can be of some use to them."[/color] he instructed, and started heading for the door. He paused for a moment and grabbed another cup of coffee before he left. The sun was rising, he could tell that it was going to be a long day. [hr][hr] [h2][center][color=007236]Mitsukuri Katsumi[/color][/center][/h2] [hr][center]Location: Altsoba High Interacting With: No one in particular[/center][hr] She was not happy. Everyone treated her like a little kid, if only she looked older. Kat wanted to go home, but she hadn't found her escape route yet, so all she could do was wait. She needed to get out of the stuffy room. There were so many other teenagers and children that she felt like she couldn't breath. The world outside of those walls was where she belonged, helping against the demons and creatures. No one here understood that. Still, she was amazed that no one searched her and found all of her weapons. She could be there to kill everyone and they wouldn't even know it. [i]Sometimes adults can be really stupid.[/i] Kat started looking for possible exits. Seeing no immediate ones, and the fact that she was tired led her to finally fall asleep in the large room. When she woke up the next morning, she started her search once more, overhearing conversations about another boy who had disappeared. Daniyal's name came up, and she thought that might have been the name of the boy from the Town Center. [i]Maybe I could find out what happened to him if these idiots would just let me leave. They have no idea what is happening. Being ignorant does not stop the truth from being there. They need to get a reality check.[/i] She kept circling the room, trying to look for patterns in the adults movements, openings, or anything that might give her enough time to leave the school.[i] Man, I don't even think I ever went here![/i]