[B]Minerva[/B] -- [I]Unease[/I] Garnet's sorrow drew frustratingly close to Minerva's confusion, even still, it mattered little for now. "Divided in some ways, adjoined in others your Highness. I will see sure to it that you arrive in Lindblum. Come hell or high water." Nodding solemnly as if to affirm this a second time, it would swiftly become evident that the distrust between the Knight and the Ship's crew was very much in place. Evident by how she reached for non existant weapons the second she heard that they had a guest. Like a snake, he explained his presence to be amicable swiftly, and the Knight's azure eyes narrowed suspiciously. These men weren't able to be trusted, and wasn't the Cassius the very same one who she heard lamenting about having to fight? Cowards, the lot of them of course. What else could she expect from a band of thieves? "You're in the presence of the future Queen. Straighten up as if you actually had a backbone, [I]swine[/I]." Minerva harshly stated, a sense of feral tone escaping fro betwixt her softened lips. "We are your guests on this Airship, be that as it may, you could suffer to show some god damn respect to the crown."