[b]Character you have created:[/b] Sarah Roh [b]Alias:[/b] ℝ [b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] Sarah uses [color=FFE5B4]Peach, FFE5B4[/color], Mother uses [color=D0D0D0]some grey color: D0D0D0[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Vigilante, neither hero nor villain. [b]Identity:[/b] [hider=Grace VanderWaal]Also known as: that 12 year old girl who won America's Got Talent. [img]http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/a031d3944781f967f1c1af0165204c0a29ee20e0/c=0-299-3329-4738&r=537&c=0-0-534-712/local/-/media/2016/07/20/Westchester/Westchester/636046226691089729-ts071816grace03.JPG[/img] [img]http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/4e1cf892439697a6bc4f93e6f0d453666bf8ca59/c=220-0-2263-1536&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2016/06/09/Westchester/Westchester/636010949833683815-image3-1-.JPG[/img][img]http://bcdownload.gannett.edgesuite.net/westchester/37861007001/201606/165/37861007001_4933391929001_4933369496001-vs.jpg?pubId=37861007001[/img] [/hider] [b]Character Personality[/b]: Aloof The phrase "it's just" is prefix often abused, and in this case taken a little too far. Everything is [i]just[/i] something else. People are just star dust, and matter is just energy. The average person's identity is just the mask they wear to protect their inner self. When you get right down to everything is only what we agree it is. Until it isn't. Sarah often finds herself disagreeing with others on what everything is. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] Sarah wears a pair of cargo pants, a hoodie with the a math symbol on it, and a porcelain mask that covers her whole face. The mask is an abstraction of her anonymity, and is white, with no special characteristics. While the math symbols are selected from one of the six major sets: ℝ, ℂ, ℙ, ℕ, ℚ, or ℤ; only one is displayed on any given hoodie, and they are the only branding she wears. [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] [hider=How to Imagine][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ca4miMMaCE[/youtube][/hider] When an object breaks in the third dimension it has a noticeable impact on all lower dimensions, all two dimensional cross-sections of the three-dimensional self. When the object is mended, so too would those scars of the break, and of the mending, show through in the two-dimensional cross-sections. Likewise, it is reasonable to believe the third-dimensional object is itself only a downward [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projection_(mathematics)]projection[/url] from a higher dimensionalality. Sara Roh is one such object, suffering one such break, but from a higher dimension. Though she may not even be aware of [i]how[/i] she broke, she does understand that these powers are a consequence of her healing. [b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] Other [b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b] Street Level While Sarah's abilities are extremely powerful, in that there's nothing else like them, her potential is also greatly limited by her own understanding, experience, and naivete. She sees herself in the same vein as her favorite cartoon characters, such as the Power Puff Girls, and Kim Possible. As a consequence she has yet to test the limits of her abilities, or truly refine them in any meaningful sense. [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] [list] [*]Associative-Abstraction [*]Disassociative-Displacement [/list] Associative-Abstraction: The ability to see beyond the presentation, to feel outside of ones senses, simply put is the ability to interact with the idea of the object rather than the actual object. When Sarah abstracts an object she may interact with it, and treat it, as if it were an object of another classification without changing its inherent properties. Disassociative-Displacement When abstraction is turned back on the user, that user becomes disassociated with the world as it is perceived to be by others. Once Disassociated Sarah's properties change to match that of the object classification she associates with. When either she, or another object is displaced it is as though it has no associative context in the present location or time. Such an object is not necessarily removed from environment, nor does is it necessarily even directly affected by Sarah's power; only that a displaced object is treated as not being present to Sarah. [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: 150 cm, or ~59 inches Weight: 10 kg mass, or ~98 LBS earth weight Strength Level: Human Level: Child Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Human Level: Child Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 10 Hours* Agility: Human Level: Child Intelligence: Human Level: Child Fighting Skill: Human Level: Child [/indent] * If there is but one universal truth, it is that children have an exasperating amount of stamina. Since her "maximum" effort is hardly that above normal her tolerance for maintaining it has naturally increased. [b]Resources:[/b] Low. Money is by its very nature an abstract idea. While Sarah doesn't really understand money, she understands needing it. Sarah always has [b]exactly[/b] as much as she needs, and never needs very much. Any bills she incurs are simply paid by Mother, which generates money as needed, and [i]only[/i] as needed. To Sarah, the idea of being in possession of fifty dollars would make her "filthy rich" even though mother regularly pays hundreds of dollars every month on home, utilities, and food. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Her greatest strength is also her greatest weakness, and it impacts the character in many ways. [list] [*] Socially Awkward: When a person starts seeing things for what they really are. [i]Really[/i] seeing them, it becomes virtually impossible for that same person to see things again how others want them to be seen. This vision one has of themselves, and allowing the facade to be maintained, is what all of our polite society is built upon. [*] Physically Weak: Sarah sees herself as a member of the human race, and while she possesses an inhuman gift, she doesn't see herself as super human. Because the nature of how she sees herself is as that of a human being her physical form will always posses the traits appropriate to a base human. [*] Child: While not directly related to her super powers, Sara is still just a child and is easily dismissed, and underestimated. The nature of youth has both its advantages, and disadvantages, but in modern society it is the disadvantages that typically win out the most. The aspect that her powers play into in this regard is that her super-hero persona is an abstraction of her true self, and is alternate to it. As long as she sees herself as a child, her persona will be that of a child, and the two forms age independently. [/list] [b]Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):[/b] [hider=Hedy Lamarr][img]http://www.hedylamarr.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/1440_Hedy-Lamarr.jpg[/img] The woman that this [url=http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Lamarr]Lamarr[/url] was named after. Actress, and inventor of the Signal Hopping technology now known as Bluetooth. [/hider] Mother. After Sarah's powers awakened only the [i]idea[/i] of her family survived. They fill the role one would expect of them, in all practical sense, but they are also in a very real sense not people. Sarah doesn't fully understand all that a mother is expected to do, and this causes what she perceives her mother to be to shift and change drastically from time to time. Since this abstraction is only the object perception remaining from her awakening event the consequences are themselves unimaginable. [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.): [quote] It was Saturday morning and the sun was slowly climbing into the sky, or at least, Sarah thought it should be. Were she honest, the only light she needed was cast off by the 36 inch television screen. So long as her cartoons were on the rest of the world simply didn't exist; to her anyway. An old box with a rounded screen contained her weekly delight, lines squiggled down the screen on occasion, accompanied by frames of pure black-and-white static. It was a reminder that she still lived in the real world, and not the world of cartoons. She clicked off the set when she heard Mother calling to her, that which her stomach had been telling her for the last half hour. It was lunch time. Sarah rolled up off of her belly, and skipped down the hall to from the bedroom, through the living room, to the kitchen. Though she paid it little mind, the house was immaculate as Mother cleaned it regularly, and was even now standing over the sink doing dishes. Mother's stepford appearance was exactly like that Sarah recalled from a movie they once watched together, and her monotone gray-scale visage was the picture of perfect bliss, from a wedding photo on Mother's nightstand. [color=D0D0D0]"Here you go, honey. Eat up,"[/color] Mother said, as she handed the plate to Sarah. [color=D0D0D0]"When you're finished put the plate in the sink."[/color] Mother blew through Sarah as she lifted a windbreaker from the hook near the door. [color=D0D0D0]"Mommy has yoga class to get to, but if you want to play outside, that's fine. Do wear your coat though, okay sweetie?"[/color] With that Mother disappeared through the door as she was wont to do at this time. Sarah pulled down her own hoodie from the coat hooks on the back of the door, and shimmied into it. [color=FFE5B4]"Today,"[/color] her muffled words came through the fabric as she struggled with it, [color=FFE5B4]"I'mma play Power Puff Girls."[/color] When she finally managed to push her face through the collar, her white mask had already dawned, and a gold embroidery of the real numbers burned itself onto her chest. With that, Sarah stepped out to find some evil-doers to vanquish, and as far as she was concerned, her house ceased to exist beyond the place she'd go when she got tired.[/quote]