[center]Location: Shadow Ridge Den Interacting with: [@The Elvenqueen]'s Chinua, [@GhostWing]'s Anum & [@A Tattooed Girl]'s Denali [hr] [color=0072bc][b]"Hm, I feel like you two should stay in another den so you can have a large space to yourself."[/b] Trevor then looked around. There was a lack of dens besides the ones they slept in, unfortunately enough. [b]"But we have a great lack of it."[/b] It was a real shame. He would've been happy if there were at least two separate dens where others could sleep in. It was getting quite crowded in there. And old wolves, like him, and pregnant ones, like the ones with him, really need more space. But, such is life. It's never fair. Just like how the two clans were split and is in a heated rivalry. [b]"I might as well tag along. Two pregnant wolves walking to the river alone sounds like a horrible idea."[/b] He may be old but he was surely quite capable of protecting them if need be. Or at least, he's more fit to fight than them. It was the truth, sad as that may be. He stood up and then stretched his old bones. However, before they could move, Denali and Robyn had already come back. He dipped his head in a bow when Denali had approached them. The affectionate gesture between the two made him smile. He might've chosen to be a lone wolf for his time but he still couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever something like this happens. [b]"Good morning to you too Denali. Still an early riser I see."[/b] He said before following it with a light chuckle. [b]"I suppose I should join you. Water sounds refreshing right around now."[/b] He then looked at his adopted daughter who had come soon [b]"Robyn, good morning to you as well."[/b] He said with a nod of acknowledgement. Everyone knew that Trevor wasn't too affectionate so he never really openly showed his love for Robyn.[/color] [hr] [color=00aeef]Robyn smiled as she trotted over to the group. [b]"Morning Chinua, Anum!"[/b] She greeted in a chipper voice. Always the energetic ones. Although, like earlier, she didn't openly show her respect for the Alpha female. She always seems to forget, or she just really do it. She didn't do it before, and it doesn't seem like she would do it now, no matter how many times she was reprimanded. But nowadays, they don't really seem to be getting angry, which was nice. He then looked over to her adopted father and then gave him a toothy grin. [b]"Morning Trev!"[/b] Father and daughter, their relationship may be, but as Robyn got older, they got more casual until she stopped calling him father and Trevor stopped treating her like a cub. She then looked towards Denali. [b]"I'm going to continue patrol on the other places. I'll go wake up Ivan and we can start. See you guys later~"[/b] And with that, she had left the group and entered the dens. She walked over to a brown and white male wolf who was still peacefully slumbering near his mate. Robyn didn't hesitate to nudge him awake. He sleepily opened his eyes to see his partner patrol wolf. The two conversed for a while before they went out to start their patrol, Ivan stopping to pay respect to the two Alphas before following Robyn out of the clearing and into the forestry.[/color][/center]