[hider=James Emerson] Name: James Emerson Age: 28 Appearance: [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--b_sCBCE0--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/18go05h2hs7a0jpg.jpg[/img] Personality: James is a friendly person who is trusting of most people but is not one to be taken lightly because he is cunning, He does not mind using dirty tricks when he is dealing with humans or zombies. He has masochistic tendencies loving to be hurt but has a strong fear of fire ever since the incident. Relationship: None History: Before the zombies came James was a bank heister along with four other heisters that were his best friends called "The Big Five" He would rob big banks and diamond stores. During his reign with "The Big Five" he was quite well off but during the zombie outbreak his group were slaughtered and his whole body being burned because of a car accident he had with his van full of money. After their fight James wonders America looking for riches and a place to call home and perhaps a family. Weapons: Uzi,Double Barrel Shotgun, Bowie Knife, Butterfly Knife. Are you traveling with anyone: None. Extra Info: None. [/hider]