Makobi watched as the Landslide slipped out of the rear docking gate. Monroe's magnetic field barrier shimmered as the small vessel flew through it. As it did, the barrier made a prismatic ripple effect before returning to its muddy transparency of Planet TXVVB-044. The onrilian gazed at its beauty. TXVVB-044 was like one spherical egg with cloistered bits of rich blue ocean as weather patterns swirled about its natural surface like hazy phantoms. He was elated to know that the ground team was nowhere near the largest storm cloud, which was stuck in perpetual motion on the planet's southern hemisphere. They already had enough on their plate trying to fend off TXVVB-044's wild life. Battling the elements on top of that would just be cruel. The onrilian half-listened to the ground team's open channel as he motioned over to the hangar's main control console. Makobi could've tapped into the ground team's HUD feeds, but their shaky first person view angles would've given him a headache. Most of the radio chatter was heavy breathing, cursing, and squawking - both from the ice bird, and the poor saps that were running from it. Then he heard the Furtim, Tahille, yell: "[color=266A2E]I fucking hate this planet![/color]" with what sounded like screaming hominoidea chasing him in the background. It all sounded terribly chaotic. Makobi silently nodded to Logalu of Dice*, thanking the star spirit for his good fortune of being within the safe confines of The Monroe. [hr] [i]*Logalu of Dice - In Makobi's homeworld, Giom, Logalu is derived from an old tale of an onrilian who sacrificed his own probability of having good luck for the sake of everyone else. When something bad happens, onrilians usually accept it quietly, believing that Logalu is merely overwhelmed by how much bad luck he's carrying on his shoulders, and would like nothing more than to lighten the burden.[/i]