[@Jangel13] Here's your rolls: [hider=ROLLS] 1 Genetic Make Up Full Lives: Your clan is made up primarily of genetically pure and untainted humans. Certainly a rare sight in this day and age, you’ll draw more attention than you’d think. A temporary genetic fluke or something more permanent? 2 Cultural Meta-Group Tribal: New cultures have sprung up since the apocalypse, some more recognizably linked to the old world than others. Unique expressions of culture and unusual handmade items are the common distinctions for tribals. Usually have an odd accent/manner of speech do to lack of contact. Less “civilized” but often no less savvy to the wasteland than others. Usually looked on with confusion or condescension by groups more tied to the old world. 3 Leadership Democracy/Consensus: A relative rarity in the post-apocalypse, the group has decided that no one individual holds all the power, but generally makes decisions based on everyones imput. 4 Cultural Quirks Xenophobic: Distrustful and always wary of outsiders, the group is often seen as cold or distant by others. Trade is hard, and diplomatic interactions are harder. Other cultural strains often run stronger in insular groups though. Distinctive Icon: A motif or symbol runs throughout the groups structures, clothes, and vehicles. Maybe it’s a specific animal or object, or maybe it’s something less specific like bullets or flames. 5 Distinctive Appearance Leathers: Never ride without your distinctive leather jackets and other assorted biker gear. Never. Gas Masks: Never seen without their masks, they might have a single distinctive style or just whatever they find. In either case, it certainly makes for an imposing appearance in most situations. Maybe they only do it for that intimidation factor, maybe it’s because they live in a particularly nasty patch. Unique Body Mod: Come in many forms, from filed teeth to a specific kind of tattoo to ritual branding. 6 Unique/Exclusive Resource Breeders: It’s a grim truth. Humanity is sick, and very few are truly healthy. Those that can insure a stable next generation wield an immense amount of power. Be it men whose seed is exceptionally potent or women whose wombs are perfectly fertile. Depending on how they leverage it, either could become a commodity or royalty. 7 Equipment Quality Well-Kept: Armor is high quality and made after the apocalypse, guns are well kept and cleaned from the old world, and homes are actually decent to live in. Clothes are actually usually old world articles or made with old world machines. 8 Motor-Pool General Make Up Armored: Old world military or post apocalyptic designs. Incredibly tough, dependable, and powerful. Not the absolute fastest, but if you need to be secure getting somewhere? There are non-better. 9 Special Vehicle Shit De-Construction Equipment: Cars are mounted with buzzsaws, mini-excavators, and plows for wrecking enemy vehicles. Turbo-Charged: Engines are supercharged and often fitted with nitrous. The group's cars will be capable of incredible bursts of speed, at the cost of some special maintenance and materials. 10 Flagship Vehicle War Rig: Huge, heavily armoured, able to carry a ton of cargo, and manned/gunned like a fortress. War Rigs command the roads, and anyone who’s anyone has one. Generally made of a truck or two stapled together, but other bodies are possible. A combine for example. [/hider] [@Legion02]Your turn: [hider=ROLLS] 1 Genetic Make Up Half-Lives: Doomed to short lives, Half-Lives are always in need of breeding stock. Almost half don’t make it past youth, and any that do live absolutely no longer than 40. Riddled with obvious tumours and other disfigurements, they could pass for healthy if they covered up but the coughing is always going to give them away.’ 2 Cultural Meta-Group Road Warriors: The wasteland is almost uniformly lawless violent place where the powerful prey on the poor and the strong abuse the weak. There are those few tenacious souls who seek to better the world though. Fearless and skilled by necessity, these Road Warriors usually travel the ruined highways alone, dealing with those they see as wrong doers with whatever justice they see fit, but occasionally they form groups. Coalitions of these apocalyptic lawmen are dangerous and untrusted by other groups, if only because they can often lead to quick destruction of the status quo. 3 Leadership Oligarchy: A small sect of the group lords over the rest. Similar to single leadership in their absolute power, but spread over a small group rather than one man. Almost as common. 4 Cultural Quirks Intellectuals: In a world that constantly demands 100% effort just to stay alive, it’s very rare to see a group even partially dedicated to mental pursuits, but here one is. Usually considered too brainy by other groups, these fellows spend their off time reading salvaged books and maybe even doing a little science/inventing/archaeology. Hold themselves to a higher standard of intelligence/knowledge than others. Distinctive Icon: A motif or symbol runs throughout the groups structures, clothes, and vehicles. Maybe it’s a specific animal or object, or maybe it’s something less specific like bullets or flames. 5 Distinctive Appearance Uniforms: Standardized appearance across the group and it’s leadership. Makes your group seem more cohesive, but can be hard to maintain. Jewellry: Somehow the group has gotten a hold of a sizeable amount of bling. Maybe it’s hand-made from scrap, or maybe it’s actual treasures from the old world. The group takes great pride in it. Spikey: Their armor and cars are covered in a profusion of spines, blades, and other sharp nastiness. Does it serve a technical purpose or is it just to look badass? Only they know. 6 Unique/Exclusive Resource Breeders: It’s a grim truth. Humanity is sick, and very few are truly healthy. Those that can insure a stable next generation wield an immense amount of power. Be it men whose seed is exceptionally potent or women whose wombs are perfectly fertile. Depending on how they leverage it, either could become a commodity or royalty. 7 Equipment Quality Well-crafted: Just because it was made in the post apocalypse, doesn’t mean it isn’t good. Well made armor, guns are machined with actual technique and thought, and houses/clothes are a little more respectably made. 8 Motor-Pool General Make Up Custom: Either customized to unrecognizable extents or built from the ground up, these cars and trucks don’t fit into any pre-war category. Generally prone to mechanical problems and ramshackle stylings, but common and easily repaired. 9 Special Vehicle Shit Tesla coils: The cars have fucking tesla coils mounted on them. They can shock enemies that get to close, channel lightning into batteries from desert storms, and just look badass as fuck. Big guns: Heavy machine guns, flamethrowers, maybe even an autocannon. The group can pack some serious heat in a vehicular combat situation. 10 Flagship Vehicle Concert on Wheels: Like a drummer boy but way more awesome. Maybe it’s a squad of taiko drummers, a lone shredder on a flamethrower guitar, or an entire outfit of post-apocalyptic metalheads. Whatever it is, you’ll certainly not be going anywhere unnoticed, and it’s a very good way to get someone excited for killing. [/hider]