Cerdic raised an eyebrow at the nickname Knuckles, but he listened as the lanky man before him revealed himself to be apart of The Holy Order of The Templars of Sigmar. He didn't doubt this Witch Hunter was who he said he was, an Arch Lector being present here, as well as the increasing activity in Beastman in the woods to the east. He'd heard they sometimes hired Mercenaries to help bolster their forces if the need were great enough. Seemed now was one of those times. "Cerdic Becker," he said by way of greeting, standing out of his chair and giving a proper Reikland salute. Cerdic might have been a bit estranged to the Empire as a whole since the meeting of the Templars in the forest, but whatever his future held, soldier or Merc, he was still an Imperial citizen and an enemy of chaos. "Ah, a willing participant." Johan said, giving Cerdic a look that gave him no indication on what he was thinking at the moment. "You stand like a soldier, Herr Becker." Cerdic sat down again, giving a nod. "I've served, yes." It was all he was willing to discuss at this moment. [@Austronaut]