As Sir Eglamour of Artois rode his steed towards the shop a brief thought entered his mind; why did those brown fairies consumed by the fungi serve those baby dragons instead of the other fairies that weren't fully consumed by their mushrooms. Of course that led to an even more important thought, just [i]how many[/i] baby dragons were there? What sort of broodmother produced all those eggs? And of course a particular thought lingered in his mind, what was the way back from this otherworld. Surely the faeries he saved had to have some knowledge for this. Upon reaching the potential sanctuary of the Toads, the knight dismounted and had a peep around the building. [color=fbd324]"Nought a post with-inne sighte."[/color] Sir Eglamour mused aloud. [color=fbd324][i]Hou-ever it shulen be acceptable fer now.[/i][/color] The knight thought as bent down and partially entered the shop. He kept a steady position near the entrance. Sir Eglamour briefly examined the contents of the building and the damage that had happened within it, while Dee T was apparently searching for something. After her eager declaration, there was a rather loud and odd popping sound. What expression was underneath the knight's helmet was a mystery, well to those who weren't Sir Eglamour. However it seemed the result of that was something that was actually conventional, an escape chasm. The only thing that was somewhat off about this one was that it was not underneath any castle. But it was quite possible this is where it led to. Or perhaps the castle was destroyed from some manner of siege long ago. But whatever the origin of this tunnel was, it did not matter right now. What currently mattered was what the fairy girl spoke of. Apparently a tragedy had befallen upon the Kingdom of Toads, with their champion of the realm missing when brood of dragons and other sprites were attacking them. Sir Eglamour extended out his right arm and held up his palm, [color=fbd324]"Be nought douten."[/color] He returned his arm back towards his side. [color=fbd324]"Plainlie nemnenest wher their Brodmater be, and informacioun thouwishen."[/color] The knight paused for a moment before going on, [color=fbd324]"Abidenest undernethen in the sille an bidenest fer my apperen ayen."[/color]