[center][h3][b]Central City[/b] [i]Mountainside Trails[/i][/h3] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3898299]Nick[/url][/center] Nick walked though the woods toward town, down a path that he'd only taken a few times before. He would walk the path more often, he thought, if only it wasn't an eight hour hike. But today he was in a rare mood. With a Poke Ball in one hand and a Pokedex in the other, the whole world seemed so different... and new! He found himself looking at the Pokemon in a completely different light. He could catch so many of them, maybe that [url=http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokedex/spearow]Spearow[/url], [url=http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokedex/starly]Starly[/url], or perhaps the [url=http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokedex/fletchling]Fletchling[/url]. One thing he knew for sure, his first Pokemon had to be a Flying type. But he wondered long an hard about how he could possibly make that final decision. He opened his Pokedex every time that he saw a new Pokemon. Sure he'd met them all before, but hearing the Pokedex describe a Pokemon was too entertaining. The information provided was so minimal and statistically focused, nothing like the in depth knowledge he had due to practically living around them. But still, he was entertained to see what information every other trainer would be seeing! While looking through the Pokedex, Nick saw something update. In the corner of the screen, a number went from 0 to 5. Curiously, he tapped on the number to learn more. Text boxes popped up, guiding him through the whole [color=6ecff6]Trainer Point[/color] concept. His mother didn't say anything about Trainer Points when she gave him the Pokedex. Nick's mind then began to wonder... could he afford to buy anything at the Poke Mart in town with these Points? His paced picked up as he had found a new goal. Get to the Poke Mart he told himself!