[quote=@Jotunn Draugr] Yah it's just the older sects of Christianity that tend to be really dry. I come from a Pentecostal community, so Sunday morning is basically a free rock concert, with a power-sermon after. The crowds are actually very young, and youth ministries are flourishing among evangelicals. I'm not a fan of Catholics at all. They come from a time where they used to be unified with the government, and it shows. People go there out of obligation, more than anything. As Christianity needs to reinvent itself, it does. Look at Joel Olsteen. His new motivation brand of Christianity has exploded so much, that he's now a mainstream figure. And then there's the Ann Coulter Christians, where faith and politics go hand-in-hand, and really help keep it from getting stale. And don't get me wrong. I've been to China and France, and love both countries deeply. I love different cultures (especially East Asian ones), in all their aspects, but an individual civilization only functions when its citizenry shares certain principles and unifying factors, and this trend of cultural self-hatred on the Progressive Left is extremely destructive. There's a reason Black Lives Matter is burning cities and shutting down airports (even in the UK, where blacks are actually treated BETTER than whites, by the police), while Muslim gangs kill gays and Jews in the streets of London, while Chinese nationalists kill Falun Gong followers and assault Japanese immigrants, while rogue USSR restorationists have taken over entire cities in the Ukraine, while there are entire communities in Canada where they don't speak a word of English, while the Turks and Syrians continue their genocide of Kurds in their own countries, and so on. Multiculturalism, without forced cultural integration, just leads to conflict, and stokes the fires of racism. The Left's refusal to promote their own culture, in their own country, is only going to lead to more destruction, more poverty, more racism, and more death. [/quote] I think a lot of this is misinterpreted for political reasons. The amount of leftists who actually hate their own culture is, I'd suspect, negligible at best. My interpretation of the movement you are catching onto isn't that of self-hatred as it is typically misrepresented to be, but rather a deep distrust of traditional conservatism. Not a distrust born simply out of politics either. I think most liberals are, deep down, simply moderates who are petrified, completely scared, that if they let the conservative elements in their country off their leash, the conservatives will go full fledged pogrom. Hence all the corny integrationalist stuff. It's not a hatred of their culture, it is a fear of an overzealous corner of their culture that has committed mass-murder in the name of the culture in the past, and that they assume is just itching to do so in the future. I have never personally met a leftist of any stripe who doesn't hate ISIS or Muslim terror, but they don't jump up and down about it because they are deathly afraid the conservative elements of their culture would use the opportunity to go full on Rwanda. Kill them all, burn their mosques, rape their dogs, the full monty. That's the thing. In the mind of a full-fledged liberal, every conservative is a secret SS Nazi just burning for the opportunity to get the ol' killing squad back together. And this also explains why liberals rarely ever push for meaningful reform, and by and large keep losing the working class to the right; they don't want to change things that much, they just want to keep back a murderous element they perceive on the right. [quote=@Jotunn Draugr] On that note: unpopular opinion: Time for some nationalistic profiling!!!: Cultures who, from what I know of them, successfully integrated into the English-speaking world, and have benefitted the civilization as a result: -Italians -Irish -Jews -Scots -Germans -Dutch -Danes -Finns -Norwegians -Swedes -Russians/Slavs -Egyptians -European Spanish -French -Japanese -South Africans -Cubans -Koreans -Greeks -Some Pols -Turks Cultures who generally haven't: -Mandarin Chinese -Some Cantonese Chinese -Mexicans -Indians -Arabs -Sub-Saharan Africans, excluding South Africa -North Africans, excluding Egypt -Some Pols -Native Americans -Jamaicans -Hutterites [/quote] I just have to say, this is a bizarre list. The Turks and Russians have integrated into the Anglo-Saxon world, but the Mexicans and Native Americans haven't? Wat? I feel like you rolled dice to put this one together.