[@Chrononaut] idk how explaining Hamlet to an African tribe means anything. I'm sorry. I just don't understand how that's evidence to anything. But large parts of American culture is black culture which is sort of a hodgepodge of African cultures. You can't say this part came from this part of Africa or blues came from here because slaves were taken from their homeland and stripped of their name, their language, and their customs. So no it's not strictly African culture (which btw Africa is a continent with many many countries and cultures). Just like American culture doesn't resemble English culture even though our country originated from mostly British and French and I believe Portugese settlers. Cultures won't mimic and translate just because they've been influenced. And history is written by the victor which is why conquered is used instead of stolen. It's a pneumonic device to sound less harmful. They stole and lied and killed and slaughtered all over the globe to "conquer" aka steal people's homes for their gold and jewels and natural resources in a name of a crown.