[center][b][h2][color=blueviolet]The Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color][/h2][/b] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/79/Moldovan_Armed_Forces_Flag_(svg).svg/440px-Moldovan_Armed_Forces_Flag_(svg).svg.png[/img] [color=blueviolet][b][i]"Unbowed and Unbroken" 1910[/i][/b][/color][/center] [b][center]A Night of Smoke and Fine Wine[/center][/b] Swinging in their moorings, the two Dreadnoughts [i]Holzer[/i] and [i]Kohlberg[/i] lay festooned in light and the sounds of laughter and mirth as they sat fast alongside one another upon the calm waves. The flagship [i]Holzer[/i]'s decks, covered by striped awnings, were set with circular dinner tables adorned in cloth while that of [i]Kohlberg[/i]'s provided space for dancing, covered gangways joined the two ships, hung as they were with coloured lights and bunting. To the honour went these two ships of the Imperial Navy, of hosting both the Emperor King Adalar and his cousin and King of Jouran, Rictus of the houses Wolfram. Upon their steel quarterdecks a ball was taking place, souls danced and dined in an assembly of nobility, royalty and foreign diplomats liberated from their respective embassies. The two monarchs greeted each other warmly, despite the tensions running between states it took much to muddy that of bloodlines as they discussed at length a variety of subjects into the night over cigars and fine platters. For many the night would pass in a blur of swirling smoke, fine wines and food, and the intricacies of the ball upon great castles of steel. [color=blueviolet][center][b][h3]~*~[/h3][/b][/center][/color] [b][center]The Carlsburg Affair[/center][/b] Following the recent inquiry embarked upon by Jouran officials into the Carlsburg affair, the Tyro-Antarian diplomatic attaché in Jouran announces that "While the Empire joins the Jouran in grief and a wish for justice in this most unfortunate affair, this justice can only be found from within Tyria-Antar and will be overseen as such, by Tyro-Antari officials and punished by those laws. The truth will be found." the envoy states. [hider=Carlsburg Affair Actions] [b]Their Assistance is Not Required:[/b] As should be the circumstance, a military matter of Tyro-Antarian soldiers will be investigated by fellow Tyro-Antarians, and if found guilty, punished by Tyro-Antarian laws. The Jourans, though we grieve for the needless loss of life in the 1908 massacre, are not needed here.[/hider] [color=blueviolet][center][b][h3]~*~[/h3][/b][/center][/color] [b][center]Kavonian Denouncement Crisis[/center][/b] Earlier this month, the Tyro-Antarian Empire announced it's support for the Kingdom of Jouran in the Crisis brought about by Kavonian fear mongering. The Foreign Minister of the Imperial Cabinet, Claus Tischer, has since released the following statement in support of his nation: "This crisis developing before us which threatens to undo everything built upon this continent, this crisis enforced by the most militant of nations. The vast hordes of Staratians and the gunboat diplomats of Zellonia bark and yap, they scream for a proclaimed peace with a barrel against your head! These states do not call for peace, they call for submission and compliance, they would have the entire continent at their mercy. Today they demand through their puppet of Kavonia the dearmament of a single state, tomorrow it shall be Saurilia, Dongaria or the Empire herself! A nation's right is to defend herself until the last drop of blood, to the last shell and bullet. Those who demand one can not, should not defend herself, can only hold the most darkest of ambitions of which we will fight." [hr] [hider=Political Clout] [b]Political Clout:[/b] 4 -- [b]Recruit General/Admiral[/b] [1 Political Clout]: Franz von Hellenzerg -- [b]Improve Relations[/b] [3 Political Clout]: Will improve relations by 4 with [b]Thecia[/b] [/hider] [hider=Foulois Accord] Dominik Antol [1.] pushes Ownership by +1 in the Tyro-Antarian Empire's direction. [/hider]