[@Hunter of Dreams] [h1][center][color=yellow]Beauty[/color] & her [color=tan]Beast[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://s3.favim.com/orig/44/faye-chamberlain-phoebe-tonkin-the-secret-circle-Favim.com-369927.gif[/img][img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8lp3eLzV71qakh43o1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][i]Madame Fae's Bar and Diner[/i][/center][hr][hr] Adam gave another inward cringe at the sound of Beauty's response. It took everything in him not to roll his eyes and turn his attention away from Rapunzel. With a clear of his throat, he watched as she poured the requested items into one of the mugs. He could only imagine what it would have been like for someone like Rapunzel to have been the one banished to his castle. Maybe things would have turned out completely different for him, and his kingdom. Adam could tell that Rapunzel was completely pure of heart and not a fake like his supposed wife. The sigh from her lips brought his attention back to focus. He cleared his throat once more and nodded slightly. [color=tan]"Thanks, Rapunzel...Hope your day gets better."[/color] Giving another short nod, he grabbed the mugs and carried them back over to his booth. He set the sweetened cup in front of Beauty before reclaiming his seat across from her. Leaning back against the seat, he silently sipped at his own mug. She couldn't help watching Adam as he sat at the bar. He was definitely harboring something for the wench. Beauty kept her eyes on him and barely was able to hold back a scrunch of her nose in disgust at the 'ma'm' comment from Rapunzel. She was definitely not old enough to be a [i]ma'm[/i]. It wasn't long before the beast of a man made his way back to their table. Wrapping her cold hands around the warm mug, she studied his face and smirked. [color=yellow]"I believe you and I have a lot to talk about once we get back to the apartment."[/color] Looking up at her, he raised a brow in mock innocence. She was absolutely up to something. Never anything good when it came to Beauty. [color=tan]"Oh, this should be fun. Whatever could the topic of this conversation be?"[/color] A scoff escaped her throat and she leaned across the table, her hold on her mug tightening every so slightly to rein in temper. Her voice lowered. [color=yellow]"I think you know [i]exactly[/i] what the topic is, dear."[/color] Beauty sat back and sipped at her cup. It was not at all as sweet as she wanted it to be, but she was not about to go complain. Had to keep in character, after all. As she sipped, her attention once more went back to Phillip, studying him. [h1][center][color=cyan]Ariel[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/yum.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][i]Madame Fae's Bar and Diner[/i][/center][hr][hr] Her attention remained on Adam. The man intrigued her. There was without a doubt something lingering that she couldn't quite place her finger on. She watched as he returned to his wife and their interaction raised even further suspicion in her mind. They didn't at all seem like a happily married couple. Again, not something Ariel would be too familiar with seeing, anyhow. She should really stop trying to assume things. That turned out horribly wrong in nearly every situation she had previously put herself into. She could smell the cocoa even before she could see Rapunzel. As the mug was placed down in front of her, a loud groan escaped her throat and she quickly wrapped her hands around the cup. It looked sensational and yummy and delicious and everything combined into one. Ariel shot a quick grin to her friend before taking a sip of the drink. Her eyes rolled back and she couldn't help another groan at the taste. The smooth, velvety texture of the chocolate spread across her tongue slipped down her throat, warming her from the inside out. She was so completely enthralled in the mixture that she didn't notice some whipped cream had clung to her nose. Seeing her friend lean in, Ariel raised a brow and slowly lowered the mug back to the counter. It didn't surprise her at all to hear that Rapunzel had slept through everything. She was very heavily known as being such a dead weight when it came to her slumbering habits. Licking her lips, she shrugged slightly and lowered her voice as well. [color=cyan]"Another one of those earthquake things happened. My hot water and everything went out, which was a completely shock since I was in the shower. You know, it was a good thing I was already done with the brick and bubble cleaner stuff before it went out. It wouldn't have been a very good look with bubbles in my hair. Though, now as I think about it, there were these bubbles in the ocean and-"[/color] She stopped with a giggle when she realized when she was rambling. Clearing her throat, she nodded slightly. [color=cyan]"It's a good thing this cup doesn't have any coffee in it. I would be a hoot at the aquarium. Anywho, power and all went out. And then I got a call on the weird looking shell saying that Dorothy had gone missing. You know, the girl with the red shoes? They were something to look at. I always loved those things. I was going to ask her one of these days if I could borrow them, but I'm sure they weren't my size, she looked like she had smaller feet than I do."[/color] With a small shrug, she took another sip of her liquid chocolate, adding more whipped cream to her nose.