In the depths of the ocean on europa, a cybernetic being barely recognizable as human anymore floated limp in the darkness, eyes gazing into the abyss of information that was the Solsys network. The local network was filled with what could probably be considered porn. To the untrained eye the messages sent by the native europans to one another amounted to noise with no purpose but to the trained mind of a xenologist these signals could be deciphered...The europans were using the internet to exchange genetic information and tactile information. As always, The Cyborg posted the cultural information to the Institute of Xenology, it was then they noticed all the fuss going on. Looked like a bunch of spam, virtual addicts spewing gibberish about probably fictional civilizations, the moderator Sirixhal2059 was diligently marking the messages with suspicious sources, one claiming the discovery of a dyson sphere, a few about Sentient Communism living under the surface of venus and a race of magical bunny people found in a new video game. The Institute of xenology had the controversal rule that only aliens found in the analog world outside of Solsys space counted as "real". The cyborg continued to look through the messages, some interesting articles on martian bacterial computation, theories about possible intelligent action behind galaxy formation and dark matter, and theories on how a civilization might reverse entropy. ((PM me if you want to be found by a probe or something))