[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/EA7jjZF.png[/img][/center] The tour of the Archive took only fifteen minutes to show the entire area. The tour only showed off the important areas of the Archive: library, storage, and headquarters. The library was the place where you would be able to grab any physical book and start reading them. Storage was where they stored all of the films, books, shows, and other recordings for Earth. And finally, the headquarters was where the staff spent most of their time. Overlooking data and keeping an eye on the list of people using one of the recordings. Kevin, Madison, Augustyn, and the rest of the workers got to work. It wasn't a few minutes before the Admiral spoke once more. It was finally time for the Vitae to leave Earth and the rest of humanity behind. Kevin and the others listened as the Admiral said that the Rejuvenation had just left Earth and their ark was next. Madison went over towards the library to see if any of the books would fall off of their shelves. Augusty stayed behind in storage to see if there were any damages to some of the recordings. And Kevin went towards the headquarters to overlook and fix any damaged systems. The workers soon split up and followed one of the three. Kevin checked on the live footage of the takeoff to fix any technological errors. It was really happening, they were leaving behind Earth. He went into his pocket and grabbed a small photo of his family and held it close to his heart. His wife and two sons were placed in the cryogenic vault and frozen in time. The footage showed their ark leaving the deserts of Africa and going up to the skies as Kevin put the photo back into his pocket and got back to checking out the live footage. The post-takeoff Archives didn't have any problems besides a couple of books that had fallen off of their shelves and some system errors. Madison and her workers immediately put the books back on their shelves. Augustyn and Kevin fixed the errors and glitches at their systems. After almost an hour of fixing and clearing up, the Archives looked better than it ever did. The books were reorganized, the recordings were checked on, and the headquarters looked perfect. Kevin was still seeing if the live footage was still working. Madison and Augustyn returned to the headquarters. “How's the footage?” Madison asked. “The footage has been tagged and saved into the storage.” Kevin answered Madison's questions while working. “Good.” she said, “Why don't we take a break and go the Hub?” “You all can go, but I am staying behind.” he told Madison. “Kevin...” she said in a serious tone. “Oh, fine.” he finally accepted defeat as he stood up and shut off the computer. He followed the others to the Hub. Before they could leave, Kevin informed the nearest security station to keep an eye on the Archives. He trusted the guards to do their job and keep an eye for any wannabe thieves. He hoped that the Head of Security would respond to the request. Since they were below the Hub, it didn't take long before they were in it. The trio had been in the Hub before and already established their 'hangout'. Menedéket Café was a popular small cafe that based on a regular cafe that you would see in Eastern Europe. The cafe was nearly filled as the trio made their way inside the cafe, The workers had split up and planned on doing their own thing. Kevin and Madison sat at the nearest table as it was Augustyn's turn to order. The trio would often only get their drinks and a quick snack before going back to work. Kevin would get coffee and a chocolate muffin, Madison would get some water and a small sandwich, and Augustyn would get some whisky and a bowl of peanuts. After a moment, Augustyn came back and sat down. It was busy in Menedéket as people went inside for a quick bite and to watch the live footage of the take-off. Being inside the cafe felt like home to many people as it looked more like any cafe and bar in the major cities. The trio talked about their future aboard the ark. Madison brought her fifty-six year old mother, her young sister, and her husband. Her father decided to stay back in Dallas, Texas to 'protect the citizens'. He was one of the officers in the Dallas Police Force that helped formed defenses around the city. Her mother said that 'he was stubborn to leave behind his job'. Madison agreed with her mother's word as she knew that he'd never leave Earth for any reason. Thankfully, he got his patrol dog with him. Augustyn was one of the people that couldn't bring someone. His mother and father had died a couple years due to natural causes. His brother was in the autism spectrum and the arks 'didn't provide the care that he regularly needed'. His aunt told that he was going to take care of his brother. Augustyn didn't mentioned if he was still alive or not, because he stopped talking about it as soon as the waiter came with their drinks and snacks. Both Madison and Augustyn didn't truly know Kevin besides that he came with his family and worked as a history teacher. He didn't bothered telling them about his work as an ambassador with the Federation. But, he did tell them about his mother, father, and six siblings and how they were at the White House. The American president offered shelter to the citizens in this time of need before the Devastators destroyed everything in their path. It made Kevin sad as he thought of them. For the remaining lunch break, they just ate and made small talk. It helped make them forget about the invasion that was going to happen. Kevin prayed that the Devastators just kill everyone quickly; but, he knew that it was pointless to pray that.