Elmera woke up with a bit of a cloudy mind, deciding to keep her eyes closed a bit longer. She couldn’t remember how much she’d had last night, but it was certainly enough that she had stopped counting and had a good chunk of the evening missing from her memory. That was fine, she wasn’t a rowdy drunk. On the other hand, she was a very quiet one, but one of predictable habit as well. Unsurprisingly, she felt another figure pressing into the mattress with her. The Dunmer did not open her eyes just yet, wrathing wrapping her arms more tightly around the figure. It wasn’t so tall as her, she could tell, as their legs wrapped around one another, but it was definitely softer. There was less muscle, a little more curve to this other figure. When her eyes finally opened, Elmera found it was a Bosmer woman with long, golden-brown locks. Not a bad bounty, she decided, yawning as she stretched out a little bit and moved to untangle herself. She was halfway into putting on her clothes when she heard the commotion in the hallway. Without missing a beat, she finished putting them on with her leather chestpiece and snagged her sabre. “Idula..?” The woman from the bed asked groggily, sitting up in bed. The sheets fell away slightly and Elmera continued to the door. She rolled her eyes - was Idula really the name she had chosen to share? She was getting worse at this. Whatever it was, she would have to pretend it was still the truth. “Morning, sleepy,” She said in a fake, sing songy voice. “I was just heading out, you can go back to sleep, there are some things I have to handle,” She lied with a fake smile. Ugh… The nights were fantastic, but lying in the morning was probably the worst part of this - faking this bright and chipper character to avoid hurting feelings. Why was she so attracted to fragile women? Possibilities for what were going on outside began to run through her head and she resisted the urge to scratch an itch crawling up her neck. The Bosmer woman nodded and laid back down, “Mn… Okay, yeah... “ How much had she had to drink? The woman barely seemed to have recovered from the first stage of alcohol’s effects, let alone the hangover. Elmera stepped out and surveyed the halls, there was a crowd gathering and she approached to find Ashav barking orders and trying to get the area cleared out. Mutterings of a murmur were apparent, but the Dunmer woman got to work moving citizens out of the hallway - either back to their rooms or out of the inn completely to ease Ashav’s suffering. As it turned out, somebody went off the wall and killed an Orsimer with a flute… That was some story, Elmera had decided, finally getting her morning dose of Moon Sugar up her nostril to settle the racing of her mind. A bit of water helped to wet her throat, but she only acted as directed for most of the day. This Company was already proving to be quite an endeavor; a trial by combat was more than enough to satiate curiosity, Elmera decided, taking a seat at the duel. She tightly crossed her legs, watching, unimpressed through the introductions. It may not have been staged, but the fighters’ introductions seemed strange to her - this was a trial, was it not? However, the fight that ensued was a sadistic treat. Suspenseful, to say the least. It came to an end sickeningly, she could still hear the sound of the axe being pried from Farid’s chest. Jorwen, the man who came out to give orders for the clean up, looked familiar. It was the man from yesterday and she sighed. She wasn’t feeling quite so on-edge today - many thanks to that Bosmer woman with an already-forgotten name - and decided perhaps she should at least try to mend the poorly constructed fence. Elmera was fully aware that she didn’t give the best first impressions to most.