[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/8/8a/RaynorsRaiders_SC2_Logo1.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20100725164935[/img] [h1][color=00aeef][i][b]Raynor's Raiders[/b][/i][/color][/h1] [hr][hr][/center] [indent]"We're getting powerful reading from the plate, boss. Not even joking. Its like you're meant to feed from it. I mean, look at how huge this plate is!" The hulk of a man stood gazing down upon the earthy mane of a man; his teeth gently clenching a freshly cut and lit cinnamon and mint cigar with an appearance akin to 'fascinated'.[/indent] [indent]"Well I'd be damned." His hands gripped the waistline feeling as though the pants were a little loose. "See if we could get it hooked up to some makeshift transformers. Bagel!" The stout posture stepped aside to gain the attention of a woman-- who always seemed to be drenched in sweat and oil in those ushanka, corset and baggy jeans. "The SCVs figured something out yet?" He gently spoke to the blondie Bagel-- face swirling with quite the enthusiasm to see the man.[/indent] [indent]"Yes Charles!" Her voice croaked and squeaky as she fist bumped into the air with an open, charming grin. "They're working on getting them built and distributed." As she returned to both of her feet on solid ground; Charles' citrine scopes eyed upon a strange flying vehicle he did not recognised. "We've also began to construct several makeshift shelters to attend the citizens and provide reasonable protection for our infantry. Until we can get to generating crystals and vespene, I'm afraid these will have to do for now." The vehicle in which he spotted had immediately left the vicinity of the Kitchen where they resided-- atop the counter to the west and well spread towards the shelves where Ghosts and Liberators were stationed.[/indent] [indent]"Thank you kindly, Harry. Go on and back to helping them out. I've wasted enough of your time-- Don't want those transformers be late!" Laughter followed Charles' voice as the engineer dismissed herself and returned to her duties.[/indent] [indent]"Got word from the Ghosts, boss. Unknown flying troop transport vehicle spotted from the North. Ain't seen nothing like that for a Protoss ship. Definitely not Zerg either." He took a moment to enjoy his cigar before releasing the smoke from his mouth.[/indent] [indent]"I saw it comin'. Looked like one of our Battlecruisers, but too small for it to handle us if it wanted trouble. Send a Banshee squad after it. Tell them Covert Operations only. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary. Hell, I'd prefer you retreat to avoid senseless deaths." He surveyed the area before him-- filled with Marines and Marauders patrolling about the counter settling down fortified positions around key areas of the sector where it could be defended best. Siege Tanks positioned themselves behind space marines who dug themselves in between a crossover towards the East as they prepared for a potential conflict with a primitive tribe that Charles will have to negotiate with sometime soon.[/indent] [i][h2]Orders were sent out to the Banshee teams.[/h2][/i] The Banshees took flight, one squad following the LAAT that visited the Sector and others followed to the other Sectors. With active camouflage, they should be able to pass without alerting enemies.