[hider=Malathrack, She who inspires:] [centre] [b]Malathrack, The Web Singer, The Inspirer[/b] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UIvUcM9g63A/Two-FiOXXKI/AAAAAAAACLA/ZoK_fa9UxrA/s1600/Arachne.jpg[/img][/centre] [hr] [b]Domain:[/b] [i]Bravery, the Hunt, Obsession, Success[/i] [b]Alignment:[/b] [i]Neutral-Evil [/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Goddess of the hunt and bestow-er of strength in all forms. She offers shelter to those blessed with her image. Arguably one of the most active gods in the realm, she believes there must be blood for blood and that what is taken must be given in time. In addition, her jealousy is unlike that of any other god in the sense that she desires all to worship her. Nothing may be wasted as it would offend her. [Centre] [img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/7/2/f/a/13141352511087943227Spider%20Tribal%20Style.svg.hi.png[/img] [/centre] [b]Method of Worship:[/b] [i]Preferred patrons-[/i] The Web Singer is a primarily race worshipped goddess but has been worshipped by those of a more hungry appetite for success. Her blessings and presence range from all forms of bravery to all forms of strength. The bard that sings the best of songs or the chief that owns the most territory often are seen as her preferred subjects. That said, she isn't exclusive to those that are successful or blood thirsty. She is akin to a wish giver in the sense that she helps the obsessions of those that worship her to come true. [i]Offerings-[/i] Among those that worship her, prayer and sacrifices are proclaimed as vital. This is true to a degree. From every obsession taken from another in death, she can grow stronger. Like a goblet half full of wine, she always seems calm with what she has and yearns for more. By helping those that feed her she can obtain greater feeds and larger numbers. However, the sacrifices don't always extend directly to lives. If it were a successful hunt, her faithful must leave the heart behind for the earth to consume once more. If a bard created a beautiful melody, he must play it for her before anyone else or leave a portion of his earnings behind to help someone else's desires. [i]Places of worship-[/i] The Websinger's ideal shrine is within the heart of the greedy or the minds of the honourable. She requires no temple as all who worship her are in their own way a temple. Prayers consist of asking her for what it is you seek and thanking her without receiving your obsession. [b]Race she made:[/b] Arachine, light meddling in arachnids. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Arachine] [hider=Visual] [Redacted] [/hider] [b]Race Name:[/b] [i]Arachine[/i] [b]Description of the race[/b]: [i]The Arachine are a unique race in their outward appearance. The most eye catching feature of the Arachine would be their entirely different physiques from what the global norm may be. Rather than appearing as a solid flowing creature, one half abruptly ends where the other begins. They possess the torso and pelvic region of a human but their body branches of from where the average buttocks would be into the abdomen and thorax of a spider would be. This strange design is astonishing as it also means they possess both reproductive system of an average humanoid and the reproductive system of the average arachnid. They come in a variety of colours which might astound the other races they come across. These colours are often dark and provide a form of camouflage to allow for easier hunting of their prey. The main colours of the Arachine's spider lower sections are often black or brown with a second colour combination. This does change however at a rapid rate if a member of the Arachine species is exposed to extremely cold or hot climates such as mountain peaks or desert plains. Their fur will go a paler colour in cold environments and will take a more golden wash in hotter environments. This allows them to achieve the best they can for hunting as many of them rely on ambush methods to successfully hunt. The upper section of the average Arachine holds a grey skin but has occasionally been known to come in pale blues or dark browns. Again, their colouring all depends on their environment. They possess only two arms which seem mostly ineffective as they only reach comfortably mid way down the femur of their front two legs. Facial wise they only possess two eyes but hold them to be a much smaller size. These eyes also reflect light, making them seem a golden colour but giving them a form of night vision in exchange for a lack of colour.[/i] [b]Strengths:[/b] [i]The Arachine have the most versatile reproductive system and thus would deem it to be their ultimate strength as they rely heavily on large numbers in combination with stealth tactics. In addition, the Arachine can climb near vertical surfaces with ease and naturally lay their own web snares to hunt prey easily. These web snares are naturally adhesive and rely on the prey to struggle which allows them to get themselves tangled more in the webs, making it impossible for an escape. (Not impossible to leave, just impossible for the common deer to struggle its way out.)[/i] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [i]The Arachine's greatest weakness is in their armour. They lack any form of natural armour short of skin/fur and thus are easily damaged in combat. Pinpoint pressure can cause serious amounts of damage. In addition, their complicated set of internal organs are more likely to cause fatal injuries if ruptured. Making them easier to kill in individual combat scenarios if the Arachine fails to achieve the drop on their target.[/i] [b]Economy/Industry:[/b] [i]Arachine are an urban species that rely on tight compact areas. They delve more into the finer things in life than the requirements of life. They produce large amounts of silk and if trading with another group is a must, would offer instruments and silk fabrics for clothing.[/i] [b]Buildings:[/b] [i]The Webwork[/i]- The Webwork is the Queen's seat. The Arachine can be located in any region but the queen will always take a position underground where she can lay may series of webs for detection. The webwork is the web series that expands over the entire region of her hive/colony and when touched allows her to direct her hive. All structures of the hive/colony MUST be connected to the Queen's webwork. If they aren't, the structure can be confused as rival and may be torn down. [i]The Hatchery[/i]- As the name would imply, this is a 'building' where the eggs are nurtured and hatched. The design itself is unlike the other Arachine structures as this structure is placed on a ceiling surface. Often maintained by the lighter Arachine, web slings hang from the the ceiling web net and hold up to five bunches of eggs at one given time (7 eggs in a bunch). Once hatched they will either be fed and raised to full maturity or, if deformed, will be killed and used as food for the other hatchlings. [i]The Eyes[/i]- A strange structure of the Arachine, the eyes operate as both bunks for guarding Arachine and phone lines for hunters/gatherers. The eyes are located externally to the hive and usually find themselves in strange locations that are well concealed. These locations can be used to send web vibrations back and forth from Queen to guard or collectors to Queen. [b]Method of making more of their kind:[/b] [i]The Arachine lay eggs in general but can produce live birth if they are the last of their species in a specific area. These half Arachine tend to be abnormal creatures and look nothing like either race but do possess many traits of both. The race they breed with has to be humanoid to some degree as they cannot breed with a common elk and expect a child.[/i] [/hider]