[hider="Necroboy"] [h2][center][color=ed1c24]Kaito Chigusa[/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/122752095/original.jpg[/img][/center] Gender: Male Age: 18 Species: Demon Room Number: - Alignment: Neutral Appearance: Kaito is one of the humanoid demons who resemble humans too much to even be mistaken for a demon if he doesn't use his powers. He stands at a height of 5'7" and weighs averagely for his height. He has white hair and blue eyes, which turn a bright red when he uses his power. He has an average body type, not too muscular but not too chubby either. He is often seen wearing a suit with a tailcoat, checkered slacks and black dress shoes. Underneath his coat is a white dress shirt and a necktie. On his hands are white dress gloves and atop his head is a tophat. He looks very formal most of the time thanks to his upbringing. Although when he does have a need to go casual, he's often seen in a shirt, cargo pants and rubber shoes. Over his shirt is a black jacket and he still has his dress gloves on. He always wears a golden pendant with rubies encrusted on it. Inside is a picture of him and his sister. Personality: Kaito is generally a chill person. He is often perceived as lazy and unmotivated because he just loves lounging around. He can't keep up with energetic people and claims that the energy is being sapped out of him when people around him are too energetic. Although he can follow them if need be but you won't find him like that any time soon. He doesn't worry about things too much but he still does good in them. When someone approaches him, however, he greets them with a small smile and would entertain whatever they came for. He likes his responses short and straight to the point but there are times where he goes off in tangents. Because of his interest in the dead, he had taken up necromancy and summoning. Because the two is quite closely related, it shouldn't pose too much of a problem. Because he is brushing up on necromancy, he is often seen in places where there are dead people. So generally, the graveyard, catacombs and such when he's off school grounds. He can be seen walking around the more populated places but he spends a lot of time there. Many have been weirded out by this but soon came to accept his weird nature. He treasures his sister very much and appreciates having his pet around. Bio: Kaito is born under a noble family with a twin sister resulting in a rich upbringing. He was taught a lot of things, most of them being etiquette and things you need to know when you're a noble demon family. It isn't too insufferable and he managed to survive through that. Because he is quite ominous and gives off an intimidating vibe, most demons tend to respect him as the son of the Baron. However, the same could not be said for his sister Ai. She received a lot of insults and just overall hate, saying that she isn't fit to be the daughter of such a famous demon. Considering that this was the demon world, it was normal. Neither his father nor his mother stepped up to stop the insults because they had to keep up appearances. At home, though, they treasure her as much as he does. Ai understands why they're doing it so accepts it. Kaito couldn't. He was the one who stepped up and stopped the people from ever spouting anything bad of Ai again. The insults stopped for a while but came back soon after since Ai still couldn't prove herself as a capable demon. He would often stand up for her but found out that she was still being bullies when she was alone. Life just can't be perfect huh? Time passed and things went on as normal. Their family was a caring one and they lived pretty happily. One day, the King received reports of a creature attacking natives. Seeing this as a threat, the King ordered Rei to take care of it. Rei ordered his children to get rid of the monster as their first test. The two accepted happily. They travelled for quite a while and found the monster's den. It was a shapeshifter. After some time of fighting and talking, the twins emerged victorious. The shapeshifter was named Rav and became their pet. Power 1: Necromancy Power 2: Summoning Likes: Communing with the dead, cloudy days, eerie places, cold weather, Ai, relaxing Dislikes: Hot days, gravediggers, getting scolded, people who mock Ai Family: [list] [*] Baron Rei Chigusa [Father] - Well-knwon in the demon world and influential. One of the king's trusted advisors. Smart and cunning, he has eyes and ears everywhere. [*] Baroness Ivy Chigusa [Mother] - A demon from the middle classes. She doesn't hold much power to her name alone. She has a sharp tongue and can hold an argument and win, even against the king should the time come. [*] Ai Chigusa [Twin Sister] - A shy demon who sticks by her brother most of the time. Often perceived as weak and incompetent (both because of her nature and her small stature), she has become a laughing stock in the demon world. Unbeknown to others, however, her skill in magic is rivaled by none in her age. [/list] Friends: [TBA] Sentimental Attachment: Pendant - a present from his sister whom he treasures very much Weapon: He specializes in summoning and necromancy so he rarely carries any weaponry with him. He does have a short sword kept in his person when he goes out. Other: If anyone is thinking of wanting to play Ai, you're more than welcome. If there's none, then that's fine as well. [center][img]http://top-10-list.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Eatern-RIbbon-Snake.jpg[/img][/center] Pet Name: Rav Pet Age: 21 yrs. old Pet Gender: Male Pet Species: Shapeshifter [animals only and retains original color scheme] Pet Personality: Rav is often silent and being around him gives people a feeling of dread. He is loyal to Kaito and Ai. He is a cunning and smart animal who picked up the human language and is able to speak it when he chooses to. Originally, Rav is a feared animal but was put down by Kaito and Ai when they were kids. Now, he serves them loyally. What makes him feared was because of his ability to stalk people and swiftly strike them down. He usually sticks with Kaito, coiled on Kaito's right arm and would often poke his head out of the sleeve. He prefers the snake form but can be seen in other forms. No one besides Kaito and Ai know his true form. Pet Power 1: Shapeshifting [/hider]