[@supertinyking][@Tyki] [h2][center] - Strike Squad - [/center][/h2] Rhemus sighed at the creature's Eldar-esque superiority complex. Apparently some things remained constant, even in the multiverse. The weird psychic alien would always feel too good for the world. Regardless, it's mannerisms annoyed him more than it's tone. "Clearly your species is too 'advanced' to understand concepts such as privacy. Be aware that my people take such concepts very seriously. Read my thoughts again, and I will have you killed." The words were no bluff, nor were they born from pointless pride. The Dark Angels were masters of secrets, guarding knowledge that could end or start galaxy-spanning wars. Understandably, they were quite strict about mind reading, and were this not a tense social situation the xenos would already have been killed, just for having the potential to read the mind of an Interromancer. Such was the dedication to secrecy possessed by the Dark Angels. Should Xel'Rath ignore the warning and continue to prod the Librarian's mind, Rhemus would instantly and unquestioningly give the order to open fire upon the xenos. As Martin revealed the data, the Librarian gave it a brief look over. Not being a techmarine, he had little understanding of what this information meant (maybe they should have brought one of those), but this was the objective they had been sent to retrieve. A quick message sent via Vox communications alerted the Thunderhawk they'd held in reserve. The large gunship flew in soon after, landing in a nearby open zone which had been located and prepared by Squad Delta. The entire time Squad Alpha kept Xel'Rath in their sights, not quite readying their weapons, but definitely prepared for a fight. Martin would be given a brief guide on the Imperium's politics and rulership by Amon, as well as the information that if he so wished he would be granted full citizenship within the Imperium. Alternatively, he could choose to work in the Imperium's Militia Mechanicum, an alternative scientific branch from the Adeptus Mechanicum formed from local scientists and factions who chose to ally themselves with the Imperium. Meanwhile, Rhemus also received the Imperium's emergency message on his Voxcaster. Frowning, he gestured for his fellow marines to standby, before sharing the bad news. "It appears that the Imperium is mobilizing against the Tyranid threat." He turned towards Xel'Rath. "Alien. A dangerous race of monstrous creatures has emerged on this planet, and will soon begin devouring it. Our Imperium is currently attempting to rally this world's factions against this threat. I would like to personally ask for your assistance in dealing with this threat, with the promise that the Imperium will attempt to satisfy any requirements you see fit to apply." Rhemus was sincere in this offer, knowing that even a single being could make a vast difference in such wars, and Xel'Rath's telepathic prowes might be immensely useful to gather information, even if he turned out to be useless in combat. Meanwhile, the Thunderhawk landed behind him, it's large forward-facing door already lowering to allow the gathered forces to board.