[center] [hider=Eirwen Soyala] [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1440/sample_0452a73f76d663a2ab2d0cb1c66f740b467dd4b6.png?1508119[/img] [color=0076a3] [i]Yawn~[/i] "I don't know you. Go away."[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Eirwen Soyala [color=0076a3] "...unless you're blind, use your goddamn eyes."[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [color=0076a3]"Seventeen. Didn't I just say go away?"[/color] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [color=0076a3][i]Yawn~[/i][/color] [b]Species:[/b] Wendigo Room Number: Room 125, Yoshihiro [color=0076a3]"Oh...you're one of those idiots who's going to judge me, aren't you?"[/color] [b]Alignment:[/b] Most of the time, she'd fall under Neutral Evil. She cares little for such concepts as 'good' and 'evil', and generally just goes about her life without regard for such things. She more or less looks out for herself and cares little for others, but she's not going to [i]seriously[/i] go out of her way to ruin someone's day. That said, at times, especially if someone manages to successfully piss her off...well, Chaotic Evil is right up her alley. You [i]do not[/i] want to see a spirit of Greed/Gluttony pissed. Srsly. That's bad. Don't do it. [color=0076a3]"...if you're eyeing me because you want a date...the sun has a better chance of blowing up."[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a fairly average five foot six, Eirwen isn't all that physically impressive, and doesn't have many muscles and weighs at barely 120lbs, nearly bordering on underweight no matter how much she eats. Though, that's not peoples first impression when they see her. If anything, it'd be her rather long hair, and its unnatural coloring. White on one side, and black on the other, unevenly split down the middle which would probably annoy the hell out of an OCD person. The next, would be her ice blue eyes and her almost ghostly pale complexion. After that, they would probably notice the perpetual scowl and dark bags under her eyes, suggesting the girl gets little sleep for whatever reason. She does, in fact, suffer from chronic insomnia, which may play a part in her perpetual bad mood. There have been attempts to try and fix this, but it seems magic and even drugs aren't much of a cure for it. Additionally, if one were to touch her hair, they'd find it'd feel oddly...soft. Almost fur-like in quality. Tends to wear rather warm clothes, despite her liking of the cold. Often thick robes that are rather extravagant. [color=0076a3]"Let me make myself clearer: I hate people like you, so take a hint, [i]Yawn~[/i] and [i]get lost[/i]" [/color] [b]Personality:[/b] In a few short words? Grumpy, easily annoyed, and generally could honestly care less about you and your problems. Cold as the ice she wields, some might say, as stereotypical that might be. Not her fault, really. On average she only gets about two hours of sleep every twenty four hours, at least that's her excuse. She generally keeps to herself most of the time, and only interacts minimally with other people, and any time someone does she will simply stare at them blankly before promptly telling them to get lost in the rudest manner she can possibly muster. She is, however, incredibly loyal to those she calls friends and could possibly even be motivated to do something other than sit around make fun of others for her own amusement. Tends to be a bit of a glutton, and is a bit on the greedy side. If pressed though, and if she was honest - all she'd say she wanted was to be able to sleep peacefully. [color=0076a3]"Why should I tell you? In fact, why am I still talking. Go. [i]Away.[/i]"[/color] [b]Bio:[/b] There's not much to mention here, really, save perhaps for her families origins if you know anything of the Wendigo though, you'll probably at least have a good idea of what happened. Similar to werewolves, Wendigos used to be human, though once wendigos turn into the monsters they can never usually go back. Eirwen is a bit of a special case, in that regard thanks to her father. Eirwens family has long watched over a forest to the north, an old, cold place where many old rituals on 'sacred land' took place. Over time, these rituals were forgotten, but people still avoided the land because of tradition - and a small bit of fear. When Eirwen was a child, she wondered into these lands, and got lost. Cold, afraid, alone, and almost starving, she wanted something - anything to eat. Well, it just so happened that this sacred ground was home to a spirit - the Wendigo, and it possessed the child. Her parents searched for her, but unsuccessfully. After a string of disappearances in the area though, he doubled his efforts. He knew the family legends well, and had a pretty good idea of what happened. He tracked the beast, and using old rituals and magic, sealed it. He had saved his daughter, but she was never the same after that. The beast had a rather obvious effect on her disposition. After being unable to do anything to help her, they sent her to somewhere they thought could help her just a bit. [b]Power 1:[/b] Inhuman strength. She can probably lift at least three times her weight without effort. Her small form belies great physical strength, but its tiring to use so most of the time she doesn't force herself to do anything unless she has too. [b]Power 2:[/b] Cryomancy - Additionally, she is able to control ice. Ice spears to the face tend to hurt. Not to mention freezing someone solid on the spot. [b]Wendigo Spirit:[/b] She is in fact, a wendigo - at least partly one. Trust me, it is not pretty to see her get angry. You think werewolves are terrifying? Please, those guys are puppies compared to this thing. If she is unable to suppress the blood in her, well...you'll have to deal with this: [hider=Wendigo][img]http://img04.deviantart.net/b5fc/i/2014/154/1/f/wendigo_by_genzoman-d7kvwbn.jpg[/img][/hider] When transformed into this beast, the only known way of her reverting back to her human form, is either knocking her unconscious, or somehow calming the beast - by putting it to sleep. It stands at a tall six foot seven, with an emaciated stomach that can never be filled no matter how much it consumes. [b]Likes:[/b] Sleeping, quiet, being alone, money, cold weather, eating. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Hot weather, loud noises, crowds, being unable to sleep, being kept from her food, fighting. [b]Family:[/b] Mother, father. [b]Friends:[/b] N/A [b]Sentimental Attachment:[/b] N/A [b]Weapon:[/b] Most of the time, she avoids fighting. If she must though, her ability to manipulate ice and inhuman strength tends to work well enough with some minimal effort. [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [/center]