Going to hesitantly bump this with a few strict requirements: [list] [*]I'm only looking for one Roleplay at the moment unless someone else really [b]wows[/b] me with a great idea. [*]I've been curious about attempting romance, so I would like romance to appear somewhere in our Roleplay (if possible). [*]Most fandoms are crossed out, those are the ones I'm NOT looking for. [*]I will not be playing any canonical characters unless they fit the specific fandom/plot. [*]I'd actually a Guild-based Roleplay at the moment. [*]I wouldn't mind another slice-of-life Roleplay similar to my road trip idea (already taken) if there's anyone interested. [*]I want this to be a fairly-laid back Roleplay meaning I'm fine with any style of writing (one-liners to paragraphs). [*]I'm only really looking for one to two responses a week. I'm busy myself after all. [/list]