[@BCTheEntity] Well from the scientific approach of things several things may be gained from such combination of human DNA and tree DNA. Using it more for medicinal purposes in hopes of helping the human body itself, eugenics can only go so far in improving the human body with simply just human traits! Looking at the other animal hybrids, they decided to go in the other direction with something less tedious to work with, like plants hybrids in which they would isolate certain factors and place it. [hider=Long List] [u][b]In a more controlled subject, such results from a project may include:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Minuscily increased regeneration of the body, resulting in slightly increased healing that is insignificant in battles and only affects during recovery of wounds or sickness. [*]Insignificant increase to sensitivity of climate [*]Increased metabolism, needing more food [/list] [b][u]Deluding the human DNA even more with a Tree's may move the results closer to these:[/u][/b] [list] [*]Unoticable photosynthesis which dices away a tiny portion of hunger, however, results in a heighten thirst for water and sunlight as well to work. [*]Minuscily increased regeneration of the body and cells, resulting in flawless skin, slightly increased healing that still is insignificant in battles and only affects during recovery of wounds or sickness, along with a unnoticeable jump in life-expectancy [*]Minor increased sensitivity to climate, more extreme temperatures have a noticeable effect on them more [/list] [b][u]Several paces before the point of no return, a subject may exhibit:[/u][/b] [list] [*]Minor photosynthesis which mitigates a small portion of hunger with the same needs before. Along with the ability to sense the general direction of water becomes apparent as an 'instinct' when enough time is spent in an area. Water also does not need to be ingested as simply applying it onto the skin to be 'filtered' and be absorbed for the purpose of both hydrating and moisturizing. [*]Small increase in the regeneration of the body and cells, resulting in better skin but exfoliation may be needed for its flaky skin once a week and an increase in healing injuries that results in most small injuries being taken care of in a day or two along with recovering from sickness in a shorter time-frame of what's normal. The regeneration at this point affects the cells that it gives a small jump in life expectancy and in general a healthy body. [*]Adaptibility to moderate climates but sudden changes will result in noticeable stress, fatigue, and fever until accustomed to. Extreme weather does not fare well for them and must seek protection from such environments or risk getting sick quickly. [/list] [b][u]Just before the point of no return, not even careful genetic manipulation and splicing can prevent the development of future unwanted traits from appearing:[/u][/b] [list] [*]Minor photosynthesis like before, however, the biological clock is now more tuned to the daily schedule of the person and environment around them. [*]Increase in the regeneration of the body and cells, resulting in skin that is impeccable but exfoliating of the skin is needed every week. The body's immune system is now hardy enough to prevent most common sicknesses and fight it off should it breach the body, smaller wounds now take no less than a day to heal fully from if not hours. The life expectancy of the subject is suggested to live longer than most people of his own age in the healthiest category with no medical conditions. However, an increased appetite is developed which needs to be stated. [*]The physical skin of the person is now tougher, durable than most people as it takes more to simply break their skin but of course even something sharp would easily cut through. [*]Weather affects them the same as before but if left exposed for too long and continues to be, their health quickly declines faster than a normal person left unprotected. Extreme and sudden changes in temperature can also easily knock them out such as walking into a freezer as the temperature is lowered down (and locked inside...) or from an Air-conditioned house to the desert with 110-degree weather [/list] [/hider] More Tree DNA further after this, their skin will slowly begin to turn into more of a bark-like and medical problems may pop up such as joint problems and many more issues. As they reach this more tree-like humanoid state, the weather will increase to have a more prominent effect on them and force them to seek more stable weather. Eventually, the experiments would stop at the last list due to further complications that questions morality. Unless it is some underground business, a full-tree person shouldn't be possible for medical complication and the morality of purposely dooming a sentient living being to a life of inertness. So yeah, my character would be one of those four potencies if they are acceptable. Their abilities are more or less aimed at the long game rather than having a noticeable effect at the moment. So yeah, hopefully, this isn't too much but it isn't anything too special as well considering the animal hybrids