[Hider=Krystal Fox] [center][H1]Krystal Fox[/h1][/center] [center][quote=Krystal]Checkmate.[/quote][/center] [center][img]http://cdn.wall-pix.net/albums/people-girls/00028775.girl.with.glasses.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Krystal Serena Fox [b]Age:[/b] 18 [B]Appearance:[/b] Krystal Fox stands at around 5'6", with brownish ginger hair and greyish green eyes. Most always, she wears a pair of wide lens glasses of a considerable power to combat her poor vision. Her body is lithe, svelte, despite her almost lack of exercise, though she tends to shy away from showing it off. You'll usually see her wearing jeans and long sleeve t-shirts, with the occasional short sleeve thrown in for variation - neither of which accentuates her B-cup breasts. Her head is most often than not adorned bluish green, almost turquoise beanie which covers the top of her chest-length hair. [B]Personality:[/b] For starters, Krystal is very protective. Whether it be of people she's friends with, herself, or objects she likes. People don't mess with the things she holds dear, and those that do will surely know about it. The annoyed side of Krystal is a lot less cute that her face, that's for sure. Her temper is close to nonexistent, boiling down simply to frustration and annoyance. While most of the time her anger is vented by playing games, sometimes she'll let someone know just how pissed off she truly is. While those times are few and far between, and usually come after she bottles up for a while, they're pretty scary considering they come from an introverted geek. She is also a very hardworking person. If she sets her mind to something in its entirety, she can produce some great work. Whether it be writing, helping a friend, solving a maths problem, if she tries she can usually do it. People often questioned where her amazing grades came from, and always the answer is simply "Hard work and effort." [b]Negative Trait[/b] - Krystal is quite a forgetful person. She often forgets important items, misplaces things on a regular basis, and forgets important dates. Coupled with her anxiety, she can easily become very stressed when she does indeed forget something, especially when attempting to search for a lost item. On another note, Kitty is quite shy. She almost never goes out to social events, and most always only has a close knit group of friends. Peer pressure also makes her extremely nervous, and so she often times simply leaves an interaction when it happens. Because of this, she quite often stays inside and doesnt interact with people, with most of her social life being on any online forum she can access. [B]History:[/b] Krystal was born into a pleasant, nuclear family with one sister, about 10 years older. Even from a young age, the girl was quite shy, and never really made any more than a few friends, with which she shared a kind of bond to. Most often than not, these friends had quiet similar interests, which made it easy for her to slip in. Her school life was excellent, to say the least. Despite being bullied quite relentlessly in Primary, she always found herself excelling in class and always well off with her friends (most of which being male). From Primary, she was shown to have a sort of talent for English literature, with her specialty focuses around fictional writing. Despite that, though, she always found herself at the top of her class grades wise for every subject. Secondary school wasn't the greatest. None of her friends came with her, and so she found it hard to make new ones. Her grades in certain subjects like maths started to deteriorate, but her marks in English kept steadily increasing. It was around here Krystal decided she wanted to become an author. It wasn't long after receiving her GCSE results that her parents decided to move to New York. Naturally, they brought Krystal along, though much to her dismay. She would have to leave her friends, and home, behind. But, it opened up the path of becoming an author even more. Or so she thought. It was only a couple of weeks after they finished moving in that her power actually manifested, and her inability to control it led to several injuries; not to herself, but to the people who were around her at the time. It didn't take long for the girl to be shipped off to some school where she learnt to control her powers. Krystal has been at the school for coming up to a year now, and has almost mastered her power - minus a few dinks in the Ole' Chronometer. [B]Metahuman Classification:[/b] The self given title of Krystal's ability is [colour=LightCoral]"Game-master"[/colour], and is the ability to manipulate reality as if it were a game. She can designate an area around herself of currently unknown size as a "Play Area". In this area, Krystal is God, as it were. She can alter the rules, spawn objects, change the battlefield - basically turning her selected area into a massive game editor, of which she has unlimited Admin access. However, the ability can't be active constantly. When it is activated, the space chosen becomes isolated in an almost pocket dimension. Only those within the area at the time of activation of those Krystal let's in from the outside can enter. The moment someone enters the field, they are subject to the game rules and must follow them, or suffer penalties; which usually culminate in an short electric shock. As well, it takes time for the game to begin, which gives those a chance to attack her at her weakest. Plus, it has been noted that by directly applying a strong electrical current or by activating an EMP device with suitable range, the pocket space will completely collapse. Destroying the field by this method seems to cause pain, fatigue and unconsciousness in the subject, making it an efficient way to nullify them if needed. [colour=red]Warning: Restricted Ability:[/colour] A currently unnamed extension of her power that was deemed too dangerous almost immediately after its discovery. This application allows the subject to bring the pocket dimension created by her ability into reality, allowing her to summon objects and weapons, and create other such effects. The extent of reality manipulation is unclear, however after examples of the subject seemingly using abilities, such as spontaneous cellular regeneration and Pyrokinesis, the decision has been made that this skill is never to be used, and limitations will be made on what the subject may do on the school grounds. She will not be allowed off the premises, and should be kept isolated for a large majority of the time in case her ability develops further. This decision has been authorised by the schools acting Board due to fear of possibly highly destructive and deadly creations, including but not limited to nuclear and biological weapons, and lethal abilities. This act is in the subjects as well as her classmates and the people around her's best interest. [b]Skills:[/b] A master gamer, Krystal has been known to dominate any game she plays - whether it be board games, tabletop games, or modern games of more or less any genre. Accompanying that is her intelligence, which has been noted by many as "Above average" at the least. She has a pretty good eye for books, is a rather avid reader, and often times writes whatever she can; writing being one of her few talents. Another is swimming, of which Krystal is rather fond. It's a relatively peaceful activity, and one she believes herself to be good at. [B]Allergies:[/b] None [B]Pre-existing conditions:[/b] None [/hider]