Teacher Cs Name: Kreia Gender: Female Age: 300 Species: Witch Alignment: Good Appearance: [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/9rorhf.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Kreia is a kind person. She wants to help the students control their powers, although, she can be strict and rough at times. She doesn't really care about the other teachers much. She is serious, and hardly ever makes a joke or cracks a smile. When she fights, she holds nothing back, even if it is a student because of this, she can be considered harsh. Bio: Kreia was training alone when Arkan came to her one day. He told her that he saw great potential in her, he offered to train her personally, as long as she would become a teacher for his school. She agreed and went under his wing. Learning everything he taught her, and becoming stronger, able to control her powers more. Power 1: She can enchant and unenchant any item she wants with anything she wants. Such as fire, wind or water magic. Power 2: She can create anything she wants from thin air. Power 3: Lunar Manipulation Markings: None Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: He duel wield swords. Other: