Cs Name: Yoshihiro Gender: Male Age: 500 Species: Werewolf Room Number: 125 Rooming With: Eirwen Soyala Alignment: Neutral Appearance: [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/jzjt6u.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/294m07r.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/2h4dqwp.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Yoshihiro is quite a relaxed person. He's kind and friendly and acts very human like but that is because he is out of touch with his wolf side. He cannot control his inner wolf. He warns people to back off and move away as he feels himself turning but not everyone listens to him, and when that happens he rips them apart and eats them for dinner. At times Yoshihiro can resist slightly but it is extremely difficult for him and for him to be able to do so he must have a reason such as wanting to deeply protect somebody. When this happens he becomes a normal wolf, a half way point of full werewolf and human. Power 1: Lunar Manipulation Power 2: Thunder/Lightning Manipulation Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: His sword. Other: