[quote=@Redrum] I've finally got something ([i][s]somewhat[/s][/i]) presentable to show, so here's my late WIP.. [hider= Vaana / Nyx / Dark Goddess of Misfortune, Anarchy, and Discord][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ks04yL3.jpg[/img] [color=9999FF]⍚ Vaana[/color] ⥥ [color=797a9e]19[/color] ⥥ [color=9999FF] Female [/color]⥥ [color=797a9e] Pansexual ⍚ [/color] [h3]"Life is full of chances, but sometimes you can't be afraid of taking the opportunities of others."[/h3][/center] [hr][hr][center] [h1][color=9999FF][b]𝔐[/b]y [b]𝔐[/b]ortal [b]ℭ[/b][i]𝔬𝔦𝔩[/i][/color][/h1] [/center][hr][hr] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [indent][color=cccccc]Like the people of her tribe, Vaana shares their distinct and vibrant characteristics. Thick red hair falls past her shoulder blades, forever tied up in a messy braid while a jeweled headband holds -- or at least attempts -- to hold the rest of her hair. The mountainous terrain of her home has left it's mark on her body as various scars and marks decorate her skin, while freckles decorate various spots of her body, most notably her face, shoulders and arms. With Garuda Chieftain blood running through her veins she was born with her fathers bright blue eyes much like her brothers and sisters before her. Blessed with her mothers sharp cheek bones, a small pointed nose and full lips accent her face and give her an almost innocent touch. Unlike her mother and older sisters, Vaana takes after her father, standing tall and limber at an almost intimidating six feet. Growing up, and being taught to hunt on the steep land of her tribe, Vaana's body has become exceptionally toned and athletic. Rough and calloused hands are an obvious sign of her effort as a Hunter, however Vaana also sports tribal tattoo's in the form of six solid black lines that wrap around the width of her right arm, starting from her wrist and stopping past her elbow. These tattoo's symbolize growth and garner respect as each line represents a feat, or struggle conquered, and a member of the Garuda clan without such markings are often regarded as unexperienced or untrustworthy. Similar to the color and texture of her own tattoos, and thought to be a birthmark during her youth, Vaana's curse mark sits at the center of her back in the shape of a sharp edged 'x'. As it grows worse, the edges of the 'x' begin to grow, wrapping around Vaana's body like straps that seem to be reaching towards her heart. As it spreads, various cuts and open wounds form all over her skin leaving prominent and sensitive scars in their place. The high terrain of her home is notorious for its blizzards and vast amounts of snow during the winter and fall time, and come the seasons, Vaana clothes herself in insulating leather garb and heavy animal pelts to keep herself warm. The spring and summer are much more tame and predictable, allowing not only her but the people of her tribe to wear lighter and thinner garb. Dressing her self in simple wear, Vaana sports brown, and thin leather clothing. Made from the same thin leather material as her moccasins, form fitting brown pants and an open shouldered long sleeved shirt allow her to move comfortably and with ease, rain or shine. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]P[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [indent][color=cccccc] First impressions have never been a strong suit for Vaana, and while often assumed to be a stoic or aloof young woman, this assumption is not too far from the truth. Not one to speak unless spoken to and indifferent in most settings, especially one's that require her to be social, she keeps to herself in large crowds and prefers to socialize in small groups. Coming out of this shell in more comfortable settings, Vaana is truly a laid back, flirty, and playful person, albeit with a tendency to take jokes and flirting just a bit to far. This lack of filter has been her folly in a number of occasions, but to know Vaana is to know that none of her jokes or insults are ever serious. While easily annoyed, it's hard for her to truly hate another person, however the select few who have seen this side of her know just how petty she can be. Vindictive, spiteful, and stubborn -- while clearly an issue, Vaana has instead learned to embrace and control these emotions as to use them to her advantage. It also doesn't help that she's a sucker for gossiping and drama, be that she's involved in it or not. While it takes little to set off her temper, she does little to express it, even going as far as pulling on a smirk or a grin whenever she becomes angry or upset. With this defense set up, Vaana successfully holds others at a safe distance from herself, only ever allowing those select few to see her true inner feelings and goals. Despite all this, her confidence and passion seep into her tone of voice and actions. Putting her all into everything she does and enjoying life one day at a time without a care for anyones opinion, Vaana strives for her continued happiness and to bring joy and ease to the ones she loves with her own mental and physical strength. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]B[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] I O G R A P H Y[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [indent][color=cccccc][sup]Hailing from the high and vast mountains in the far west, the Garuda Tribe are a deeply spiritual and superstitious clan. Worshipping the many gods, they treat the land with mutual respect and live almost harmoniously with the beasts and creatures that inhabit the alpine terrain. Among the most barbaric of the tribes, the Garuda are known for their complex tunnels and cave systems, using the inside of the mountains as their shelter while the outside acts as their hunting ground and farm lands. With bear like Chieftains, freckled faces and fire like red hair, the Garuda tribe are unmistakable if not by these characteristics but by their distinct accents.[/sup] Under Co.[/color] [color=9999FF][b]Memories Retained:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Ignore for now[/color] [list][*][*][*][/list][/indent] [hr][hr][center] [h1][color=9999FF]𝔐y ℑmmortal 𝔖[i]𝔬𝔲𝔩[/i][/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YMPQ4Vi.jpg[/img] [color=9999FF]⍚ Nyx [/color] ⥥ [color=797a9e]Goddess of Misfortune, Anarchy, and Discord[/color] ⥥ [color=9999FF] Female [/color]⥥ [color=797a9e] Polyamorous ⍚ [/color] [color=Crimson][sub][b]DARK GOD[/b][/sub][/color] [color=#9999FF][h3][quote=Excerpt from a Historical Tale of 'The Great Purge']'Perched on a pile of bodies like a throne of flesh, she went unseen by the chaotic and enraged. Feeding off of and indulging in the madness around her, her eyes suddenly met mine as her hand reached out almost calling to me. Body bare with all her sins exposed, her lips stretched into a grin like a wolf baring it's jaws, and it was only then that we all realized the situation we were in. She was the predator and we were the prey, and I had ignorantly lead us into her territory.'[/quote][/h3][/color][/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]G[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e]O D L Y A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [indent][color=cccccc][color=cccccc]"What you looked like as an immortal. You can go as mad as you want with this."[/color][/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]K[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] N O W N F O R[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [indent][color=cccccc] + Sadistic tendencies. + Promiscuity. + Manipulative and selfish behavior. + Playing harmful pranks and pushing jokes too far. + Bringing bad luck to Im/mortals around her. + Influencing Im/mortals to act and think impulsively. + Causing conflict between others. + Inciting rebellion and riots. + Questioning of authority. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]F[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] O R M A T I V E M O M E N T S I N H I S T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [indent][color=cccccc]Considered the child of the Elder God Hael, once known as the Dark God of Discord, Nyx was created from the manifestation of the Dark Gods ill will and power. His hatred for the purer Gods and the Mortal Realm was what brought her into existence, influencing and fueling her every move and motive like a puppet, and for what felt like centuries Nyx was just that. Powerless against his hold on her, she was a slave to her creator until the day she realized she [i]too[/i] had an influence on the Gods and Mortals of both realms. It was then that Nyx's true powers finally manifested, and with it came the strength to break the chains from her father and creator. This did not go without struggle, however. Unwilling to give her the freedom she demanded, the Elder God would not allow his creation to live with such ideas in her head. Deciding to play fate, Hael was oblivious to his daughters newfound abilities and with them Nyx was able to outsmart and successfully kill her father. This event did not go unheard of, and news of Haels defeat swept through Immortal ears alike. Nyx had claimed her fathers title and then some; embracing the infamous reputation that came with it the young Goddess was finally able to leave her mark on the Mortal and Immortal Realms. [hider=The Great Purge]A bit of lore soon to come![/hider] Like many of the other Dark Gods, Nyx had found great entertainment in the cursing and banishment of her fellow Immortals. Amongst the founders of the crusade, not just for the sake of satisfying her own jealousy but to stir up conflict and hostility between the two classes, Nyx was oblivious to the idea that a Dark God could be Starkissed. This all changed when she laid eyes upon them, however; her soon to be beloved. Starting off as simple curiosity, this innocent interest quickly developed into a infatuation, and then a longing. Feelings unknown to her were beginning to present themselves, and in a fit of confusion and frustration, Nyx finally made herself known by attacking her Starkissed. Pinning them on the ground with her hands around their throat, she was not met with retaliation or hostility, but instead a smile. These were feelings the Dark Goddess knew nothing about, but with the strength of their fated bond, Nyx learned love and compassion through the teachings and affection of her beloved. They shared their love and passion in secret, and in front of the other Dark Gods and Goddesses, Nyx played her part. She felt no guilt for the harm she brought onto others and made sure her love was not targeted or harmed by the others, but even as safe as she played it, this change of heart did not go unnoticed. Unknowingly followed by a suspecting Dark God, the she and her starkissed went unaware of their spectator and his getaway, and when the time to leave came, Nyx nor her beloved could have prepared for the oncoming assault that would follow. Once separated the two were separately subdued; Her beloved tricked and cursed, while Nyx was ambushed and restrained. She was once again made a captive, forced to watch her Starkissed die time after time all while the Goddess was mercilessly tortured until it was finally decided to send her to the Mortal Realm as well. Fueled by her own rage and hatred, Nyx used the last of her strength and power to leave a curse of her own on the Dark Gods and Goddesses who cursed both she and her beloved; "I will tally the minutes I am separated from my beloved, and when I return you will all repay me for my time lost. Be it through your servitude, or through the long and tortuous process of your deaths -- [b][i]You will all be punished![/i][/b]"[/color][/indent] [hr][hr][center] [h1][color=9999FF]𝔐y 𝔊ifts 𝔚[i]𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫[/i][/color][/h1] [/center][hr][hr] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]S[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] K I L L S E T[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [list][*][color=9999FF]Persuasive:[/color] The daughter of a Chieftian who also bares the markings of a knowledgable and trustworthy member of her tribe, Vaana's words are more than often heard and taken seriously by others around her. While intelligent, any idea that she could be lying about a subject is often brushed off as she speaks in total confidence, with little to no hesitation in her replies or responses.[*][color=797a9e]Resourceful:[/color]Like any Hunter, Vaana was taught to use any surrounding terrain to her advantage. Be it for gathering supplies, camouflaging and evading her prey, or setting up natural traps. Having learned to depend on these natural items accessible to her, Vaana has found that she is never without a tool or a means to survive.[*][color=9999FF]Skill 3:[/color][/list] [list][*][color=797a9e]Botanical Knowledge:[/color][*][color=9999FF]Archery:[/color][*][color=797a9e]Rock/Tree Climbing:[/color][/list] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] B I L I T I E S[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [i][color=cccccc]These will unlock as we continue.[/color][/i] [color=9999FF][b]Life Force[/b][/color]: [color=cccccc]0/0 (ignore for now)[/color] [color=9999FF][b]Ability 1: Weakest Ability[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]Description[/i][/color] [indent] [color=797a9e]Potency 1[/color] [color=797a9e]Potentcy 2[/color] [color=797a9e]Potentcy 3[/color][/indent] [color=9999FF][b]Ability 2: Moderate Ability[/b][/color] [color=cccccc][i]Description[/i][/color] [indent] [color=797a9e]Potency 1[/color] [color=797a9e]Potentcy 2[/color] [color=797a9e]Potentcy 3[/color][/indent] [color=9999FF]Ability 3: Strongest Ability[/color] [color=cccccc][i]Description[/i][/color] [indent] [color=797a9e]Potency 1[/color] [color=797a9e]Potentcy 2[/color] [color=797a9e]Potency 3[/color] [i][color=cccccc]This is your most powerful ability in it's most powerful form. Using this ability at this strength will kill your character shortly afterwards.[/color][/i][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]I[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] N V E N T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b][hr] [i][color=cccccc] [i]Leather Cloak;[/i] Made of various dried animal hides stitched together to make a long, and warm cloak that can grant her [i]some[/i] camouflage. [i]Quiver;[/i] Made out of leather with a sturdy strap and buckle. Can carry up to 13 arrows. [i]Hunting Knife:[/i] Made for her by her father, making this an extremely sentimental item. [i]Waterpouch;[/i] Made from thick animal hide, can carry up to a liter of water. [/color][/i] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]O[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] T H E R[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=cccccc]Colour Code: other information.[/color][/i] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=9999FF][b]R[/b][/color][sub][color=797a9e] E L A T I O N S H I P S[/color][/sub][/b] [center][b][color=cccccc]Will you participate in the Relationship Assignment?: Yes![/color][/b] [color=cccccc][i]This section will be replaced with a Relation Sheet.[/i][/color][/center][/hider] Before I confirming anything relationship wise I'll let everyone have a peek at her. Constructive criticism and opinions welcomed, and please ignore any grammar or spelling errors at this moment. ^^; [/quote] My only question is, which is something I think i'd need [@mae] for. If she has met and interacted with her starkissed, and then got banished by the other dark gods. Would she then really still count as a dark god? Since she already stated she will be working against them in the last line of her history.