[H1]Liam Pyne[/h1] [H3]An idea, like a ghost, must be talked to a little before it will explain itself [/h3] [Img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f1/22/d7/f122d7905fc9ccdf57a0643665916fb7.jpg[/img] [B]Appearance: While not a small person Liam has a slighter build befitting that of someone who exercises when time permits. Standing at 5'9”, largely an academic, Liam’s exercise usually comes in the form of having to help as spirit get some place out of the way. As a result of this sporadic exercise Liam’s build is rather average in terms of muscle. With the constant practice in the gym Liam has grown good at one thing. Liam is an excellent runner and has deccent hand eye coordination. The skills he has picked up are often used to get him out of trouble when he sticks his nose in somewhere it doesn’t belong. Liam sports short light brown hair and has eyes that range in color from bright blue to a muted green. While Liam is not one to run around outside every day he is not pale with a healthy light skin tone. Most people would call Liam moderately attractive but he is not that far above average in his looks. [/b] [B]Personality: Liam is a genuine gentle soul who often comes off as a shy shut in. Many have taken Liam’s generally non confrontational personality to mean that he is a pushover or any easy target; often this ends in the bully finding out that Liam is not an easy target and Liam having to get stitches. Those who get to know Liam find him to be a rather witty and intelligent individual willing to stand up for those he cares about regardless of harm to himself. With all of his positive qualities Liam has a dark side stemming from his powers. From an early age Liam's fascination with the occult and the dead has limited his relationships. Often those who get to know him are put off by his power or by the fact that he willingly spends time with those who have passed on. Liam is one of few people who can bring the dead closure, as a result he feels obligated to help. This societal shunning has rendered Liam incredibly wary of others as he feels that those who get close to him will either leave when they find out the extent of his abilities; or will be pushed away by what he feels is his responsibility. Given a lack of an active social life Liam excels at academics as any time that isn’t spent working on his talents is inevitably spent studying or reading. Liam’s academic proficiency has also lent itself to his shut in personality; however this is assumption about his personality is often made after others find out what his grades are like, not something that Liam actively advertises.[/b] [B]History: Born in a rural small town Liam was a popular exuberant child growing up. Most said Liam had a super human grasp on life and that “this child was going to go far”. On Liam’s 13th birthday he began having troubles at school and with other kids. The light hadn’t gone out in his eyes it had just become more determined than ever before. From that day forward Liam had become an totally different person; often seeking out local spots which were rumored to be haunted or other things of that nature. Over the next three years Liam continued to grow more and more distant from his family and friends. In the end everything came to a head when Liam was sixteen. While poking around an abandoned barn rumored to be the home of the ghost of an old man Liam happened across a group of older guys who had brought a pair of young girls to the barn for a “night of fun”. Upon realizing what was happening Liam tried to stop them but was beat severely. What happened next is still unclear but Liam returned with a vengeance in his eyes and an old double barreled shotgun under his arm. Three of the guys went to the hospital that night and one died on the operating table from his wounds. Neither of the girls would make a statement and Liam claimed he couldn’t remember what had happened just that he felt like he wasn’t in control of his own body. Over the next several months Liam would have similarly strange episodes until one day something altogether different found its way into Liam’s body. When the authorities were finally able to rescue Liam’s family Liam had boarded them in his parents room and was preparing to set the house ablaze. After being taken to a mental institute for rehabilitation it was deemed necessary to attempt something unorthodox. A spiritual medium was brought in to assess Liam and it was deemed necessary to perform an exorcism. The ritual was performed with written approval from the Vatican itself and in the controlled confines of the asylum under the guidance of the medium who was called to asses Liam and the supervision of the psychiatric staff. Properly restrained Liam did not hurt anyone and the presence was expelled with only a few hours of time with the Priest. When Liam was finally deemed psychologically sound he was sent home for a week before being packed up and shipped off to the academy to be supervised and trained in proper use of his abilities. Over the last two years Liam’s powers have grown steadily allowing him to more safely use them to benefit the denizens of the world [i]Beyond.[/i][/b] [B]Metahuman Classification: Spiritual Vessel (Medium)[/b] [list] [*] [b]Beyond the Veil:[/b] Liam can see ghosts when he opens his eyes and ears to the spirit world. This power is fully voluntary unless a spirit is powerful enough to make its presence physically know by crossing the Veil. Often times when Liam is not using his Sight more frustrated powerful ghosts who want his attention will make alterations to his environment (knocking over objects, breaking mirrors, etc.) causing discomfort for those in Liam’s vicinity when he is dealing with a persistent potent spirit. The effects of these spirits seemed to be lessened in the presence of more than two or three people or in the presence of sterile rooms and cutting edge technology. [*] [b]Voluntary Possession:[/b] Liam has the ability to allow a spirit to share his body. In so doing Liam can allow a Spirit to talk to those in the mortal world or to even carry out acts they need to move on from a state of unrest. This ability also allows Liam to make use of a ghosts knowledge and abilities it had in life. This can include: speaking another language, knowledge about a particular subject matter or even physical capabilities such as martial arts, cooking, or music. The only limit is what Liam is physically capable of doing; regardless of the ghosts ability to do a backflip Liam still may not physically be able to do such a thing. [*] [b]Exorcism:[/b] Liam is fully capable of expelling any spirit who has possessed him. After his encounter with an “Outsider” Liam has worked hard to make himself capable of ejecting unruly spirits at will. Often this is done when a spirit wishes to continue making use of Liam’s body beyond what Liam’s agreed upon terms were. This power also extends to others; in the rare case that a spirit has found a way to possess another person Liam is capable of expelling the spirit from another person body. Liam has yet to have contact with another “Outsider” and as such he has yet to test his ability to expel an “Outsider” either from himself or from another. Liam has done extensive research on what he has termed “Outsiders” and yet much of what they are remain a mystery. [*] [b][color=red]*Warning: Restricted Ability*[/color][/b] Forced Possession: In incredibly controlled settings the instructional staff has tested Liam’s ability to expel a Spirit from his own body into the body of another or even into objects. While the tests were successful they left Liam dangerously fatigued and were deemed too dangerous to the subject of the possession as the process often angered or warped the spirit who was transferred in such a way. The notable exception was Spirits who were transferred willingly into a willing host. The Academy has strictly forbade this use of Liam’s powers. On his own Liam is far too afraid to attempt such a use given its ramifications. To this date the Academy has yet to find a need to discipline Liam for such a use of his abilities and as such it is not limited beyond the confines of the Academy. [*] [b][color=red]*Warning: Restricted Ability*[/color] Environment/Spirit Manipulation:[/b] It is unknown to what extent Liam can manifest Psychokinetic powers; however the Academy keeps these abilities carefully suppressed with a psychic dampener. Liam manifest what appears to be a potent psychokinetic ability when under the duress of a strong possession.This includes the ability to levitate himself and to move objects with his mind. These abilities also appear to extend to influencing or commanding other less potent Spirits. The speculation by the Academies experts is that the powers are some remnant of the Outsider’s possession of Liam. On his own Liam does have very minimal Telekinetic abilities; however they only go as far as being able to move pennies across tables or rattle bottles. Regardless of the apparent low caliber of the abilities the academy has taken precautions to keep any of Liam’s psychic abilities carefully monitored and dampened for safety reasons. [*] [b][color=purple]*Warning: Redacted Ability, Eyes only*[/color] Traumatic Telepathy:[/b] *test one* The subject seems to be capable of digging through the minds of those in the room with him to find their deepest fears and most humiliating moments. After no less than five minutes in the room with him our volunteers were relieved and the test was cancelled. The result appears to be minor damage to the psyche of the recipients. Further tests will be required to determine the full extent of this ability. *test two* The subject is apparently capable of inflicting delusions and psychosis on those present and uninsulated from his psychic abilities. After a longer exposure of approximately thirty-three minutes volunteers were released from the test and the subject was exercised according to standard procedure. My final recommendation is that the further tests be canceled and that the subject be properly monitored and psychically dampened. The manifest psychic powers appear to not be a part of the subjects ability to communicate and house Spirits; however they appear to be a side effect of undamped powerful possessions. My conclusion on the subject is that these powers are a result of the Subjects possession by a Class 5 or greater non human psychospiritual entity. Caution is advised in any further use or test of the subject’s Telepathic and Psychokinetic abilities.[/list] [B]Pre-existing conditions: Liam is prone to sleepwalking and occasional bouts of insomnia. This can occasionally be disturbing for those who witness it as he may often appear quite cogent or wake when it happens.[/b]