The look on her face was, in fact, priceless as he dropped the ball in her hand. Was he kidding? He had to be kidding! Her blue eyes were wide and she stared at the ball, than at him in shock. The crowd around them erupted with joy as he placed the ball in her hand and her face turned bright red; what a day this was! The game ended, of course, the Yankees won and had each and occupied the whole game, one was holding the ball and the other was holding Robert’s hand. She couldn’t believe it and the stupid grin on her face said just that! When they arrived at her home at the end of the night there was no doubt that they had had a good time. Marian had bid him good night and unlocked her door before she stopped. She didn’t want to leave like this, she had too good of time. Better than any time she thought she would have had with Robert. He really had changed and he deserved to know that she noticed it. “Hey.” She called out before he walked away. Marian had turned around and walked to him. Her small soft hands traveled up his chest as her arms wrapped around his neck. She gave him a bright smile, an honest smile and rose up on her tiptoes giving him a gentle, kind and longer-than-she-had-intended, kiss on the lips. When she pulled back, she whispered in his ear, “Thank you for today, I really like this new you.” Then it was good night. The next morning at the office, Marian was leaning back in her chair tossing the ball from the game up into the air and catching it in her hand. Humming a gentle tune before her phone buzzed and she took a call, “A party? For the Governor? Why do I need to be there dad? Okay, okay fine? Wait… a date?” Marian’s eyes knitted together. “Do I need a date? Fine, fine! I’ll find a date…” A groan left her as she realized she had to find a date. Hanging up her phone, she looked down at it. Maybe she could invite Robin, but he would have to be there without a mask; which means she would know who he was and she most likely wouldn’t have that much trust with him, yet. Overall her goal was to try to break up the dynamic duo that was Guy and Robert trying to figure out who Robin actually was. But this time, she just didn’t want to be alone at some governor-high-and-mighty party. Rising to her feet she placed the ball on her desk and left her office. At the door to the office that Guy and Robert were sharing she knocked on it before she got the howler to enter. Opening the door she gave the men an innocent smile. “Hello guys, can… can I talk to Robert for a moment?”