[quote=Chev] Uhhh...Mike. I saw your post and I'm a bit confused. What robbers would possibly go after the Titans mansion? I'm not saying it's a bad post, I'm just saying it's very very unlikely. [/quote] Not to mention that they're "Stealing" Viran (I think) who is in the Infirmary of the main base (through the portal... Base is through the portal guys... mansion is mostly just a memorial and for show and for us to feel "normal" rich kids)... Mike, mind if I give a suggestion? Simple and realistic is always better. Play the thugs how normal people (you in RL) would be played if they were a thug or thief... Also... I don't think this RP is taking place in japan... more like new york so there probably isn't a dojo used by a samurai grandmaster... :/