"We shall hunt whatever we find that can provide sufficient meat: deer, bear, troll, whatever we find." Meesei responded, standing up from her place next to the fire. "As for your transformation, you need not worry about losing control for now. If you enact the transformation yourself, then it is [i]much[/i] easier to maintain control. Even a novice such as yourself should be able to control it without issue." In preparation for her transformation, Meesei walked over to her bedroll and began removing her clothing and jewelry. Just as she had showed Fendros, her belongings were designed with weak points that would cause them to fall apart if she transformed, but that would still require that she put them back together afterwards, so it was preferable to remove them beforehand. After shedding all she was wearing, she walked over to a clear area nearby and looked to Fendros. "Now, to begin the transformation is also no difficult task. I am sure you have some memories of what it was like to be in your beast form, you just need to let it out again. Even now, you should be able to feel the presence of the beast withing you; it is not something that ever goes away completely, even after a feeding. Just concentrate on it, focus. It should become more powerful in your mind, then...just let it do the rest. Do not worry, you will still be in control afterwards." She explained, before beginning her own transformation. Her body started to reshape and reform increasing in size and muscular density. Her scales made way for thick, black fur, her muzzle morphing in shape and her teeth sharpening and growing. While she held no exceptional size or strength (for a lycan) in her normal form, her werewolf form had stature befitting an alpha, a testament to the favor Hircine had placed on her. "Your turn." Meesei ordered, her voice lower and more menacing.