[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUwYWUwMC5Vbmx2YTJrZ1RXOWphR2w2ZFd0cmFRLCwuMQAA/scriptina.regular.png[/img] [b][i][u]BEEEE-[/u][/i][/b] [u][i]Click~![/i][/u][/center] A lazy hand had reached out and silenced the demon before it could cause serious harm to the ears of the insomniac. Awake, alive and little bit anxious, the eldest Mochizukki member quickly read through her work upon the bed in which she'd known for so many years, although not the one she was particularly comfortable in. ... OK, that was a lie, but she rather the constant buzz of her apartment bedroom over that of the mansion in which she presently resided for the moment, as she was just about ready to pass out. Ryoki, who had been working all night on a song to present for the local school, Shine Academy, and to meet deadlines for her fans, was on the verge of collapsing. She'd been putting off this latest track due to diversions and events getting in the way, and when things finally cleared up, she had but a night to churn out a song for the world, as well as for the kids at the academy. The academy. She smiled at the memory of that place. Although she only spent a year there, she found the place incredibly pleasant. The friends she made had followed her well into her years, and although many of them may now live far away, they all still managed to remain connected via social media and video games, music projects and writing works, and even in person occasionally. In fact, one such friend would be making her appearance again, today: Elvira Fukuhara. The two had been out of contact for a good year or two, with them both having some serious... troubles facing them. Elvira the rock, and Ryoki the hard place. Still, Ryoki assumed that if Elvira had the courage to move back to Shine City, then she was likely one heck of a woman by now. Of course, Ryoki already knew Elvira was rather tough compared to the other girls, but emotionally she could be fragile, something like a glass cannon: powerful at dealing, horrible at taking. Although not the best of friends, the two were something of sisters when they got along. Horrible sisters, sure, but sisters nonetheless. With a sigh, the Raven got up, leaving her notes on the bed. "Agh! I really hope those kids like my song... It's gonna be horrible if they hate it! But I'm sure they'll be able to connect, at least! ... I hope." She really wasn't too sure where she was getting her source material for this song from. With as little school experience she had, Ryoki was hard-pressed for lyrics. Not even a lot of anime painted a good enough picture to accurately portray what she was trying to convey. In the end, she just had to write about her own experiences, which she really didn't want to do. "Ahhh this is going to be so embarrassing!" Sulked the woman with a cry of pittance for herself. "Oh gosh, I really hope they don't get any lovey-dovey things from these lyrics somehow! I know school has a lot to do with romance and I'm horrible in that department andohmygoshIjustcannotbecauseifYutarowasthereIwouldjustscream!" ... [i]Knock knock~![/i] She grabbed a pillow and screamed. "Kimasu I swear to god-!" "Your beautiful face is as charming as ever; please, don't hide it behind a pillow like that. Same for that wondrous voice of yours." Kimasu Mochizukki: twin brother to Mokyu, and Ryoki's younger adopted brother. He is something of a flirt, and practices in the art of swooning the ladies with such great smooth talk, even lesbians begin questioning their sexuality. "Don't worry, I didn't hear a thing. You're in the clear, Ryukin." From behind the pillow mutters: "You're saying my name like [i]that[/i] again." The pillow fell at her lap, and Kimasu set the tea upon Ryoki's bedside table, after having to make room to get passed the layers upon layers of pages. "Seriously, this room is looking like you're a teen again. You can keep your apartment clean, but not home? Mother isn't your slave anymore, Ryukin." Having set the tea down, he also shows off another item: his trusty video camera. "Yes, don't worry - once again, my camera is yours. Have you ever considered buying your own, by the way? They're not exactly expensive for us." "I would, buuuuuuuuut I like your one." Ryoki countered with a smirk. "Oh? And for what reason is that? Are those admittance of long lost feelings for your brother? Ahh, just like in those incest cartoons you watch, I see." "I hate you." The two laugh, sharing a drink, one tea, one tea-flavoured coffee. "Ready for the performance today?" Quizzed tea-bearer Kimasu, who sips with one leg folded over the other, sitting in Ryoki's computer chair. Ryoki simply shakes her head. "Got the whole thing memorised?" "Nope." "All your instruments tuned and ready." "Of course not!" "And no form of practice whatsoever?" Ryoki paused. "Well, maybe a [i]little[/i] practice." "So you'll be fine!" Kimasu laughed with a charming grin, as he often did. "You have a tendency to pull through miraculously in times where you're struggling. I would consider it your superpower, but I think it's fair to say it's more of a curse." With another chuckle, he sips his tea, and Ryoki hers quite greedily. "Any hot professors you have your eye on? Who was that one man you were raving about? Shou? He going to be there?" From pale to cherry, the Raven's cheeks went as her blush flushed red. "Sh-shut up. He might be there, might not. Either way, that was in the past! We're totally friends now! I have my eyes set on someone for real now!" "Oooh, this is news to me! Come, spill! We have time before we leave!" ... This would be a looooooooooong morning... [hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjhmZTg2NC5SV3gyYVhKaElFWjFhM1ZvWVhKaC4w/jessica-elaine.thin.png[/img][/center] The awakening was oddly calm for a woman of many nightmares. The breeze was subtle, but piercing, the sunlight dim, but radiating. A ceiling foreign to her, it took Elvira a moment to get a grasp on whether or not this was all but a dream, or odd new reality... ... Then the regrets came flooding back... She could remember everything from last night clearly, even with all the alcohol she managed to down: the nightmare, the bar, the alcohol, the women, the taxi ride, the night, the women again... A night of regret... Not overly unpleasant, but regretful. The sleeping souls beside her only served to confirm the woman's memory. Lying with little more than a sheet to cover them, with some areas of the body being an exception, were the two woman she'd slept with. If memory served correct, they were Nat and Sabine, or at least that's what her mind told her. Could her brain be believed at a time like this? Elvira wasn't sure, however she didn't exactly have the time to find out. Why? She had no idea, just that she was forgetting something very import- [color=lightgreen][i]'Oh. Oh no.'[/i][/color] The school ceremony was today! If she missed this she was screwed! ... The nearby alarm clock proved to not be a friend, either. The harsh reality of sleeping in on the first day became unpleasantly apparent, and Elvira quickly -- albeit [i]quietly[/i] -- got out of bed, grabbed her things, and began to dress. There wasn't any time for a shower, unfortunately, so the Fukuhara woman had to pray away the overbearing stench of excitement from the previous night as she dressed, borrowing some perfume of Sabine's to try and mask said stench. Didn't help an awful lot, but at least she didn't reek of the night before. Writing out a quick note of apology with regards to her disappearance and last night, Elvira was off, using her phone's GPS to find the quickest route to Shine Academy from here. She didn't have the money for a taxi at the moment so she had to settle for running. As she ran, she couldn't help but feel like she forgot something else, too. Like she'd forgotten something very important... ... She was also feeling unnaturally breezy... [color=lightgreen][i]'I hope I forget all of today... All of it.'[/i][/color]