[quote=@rush99999] [@Crumbs] With the Llangeli present in this world, is the tech level going to be somewhat higher than the average high fantasy world? [/quote] [color=7CFC00]Actually, no. The Llangeli Loyalists tend to make sure that their tech is well guarded and the Deserters (both terms will be mentioned in the entry I'm about to put up) are extremely limited on what they have access to. Aside from the Llangeli, tech level is pretty low; but magic can accomplish a lot of things. Edit: There is also a pretty big language/understanding barrier to overcome, where the Llangeli are concerned. If one were to acquire a piece of their technology, say...one of their more simple devices for communication; a native of Aedrasil would be hard pressed to make much sense of it. Double Edit: I've added the Llangeli information to the Unusual Races section and added the Unusual Races section to the first post. It may or may not be edited depending on what [@potatochipgolem] thinks of this. It's a collaboration and all that...so I might've jumped the gun. I'll be leaving the original copy of Unusual Races where it is, for now.[/color]