[@LegionPothIX][@Eklispe] The Gods themselves don't really matter , really. After the start , they will only reappear when all races go to EvoTier 4 and then at EvoTier 5 when the new danger appears. The Gods only matter at the DIP part. If you have let's say the God of Death you cannot expect to heal your subjects using DIP. I would want different Gods because that would mean some Gods would have an advantage at some parts , when others at others. Something like this : If you are the God of Fire , you have an advantage in battle when using DIP against a God Of Nature but in the same time the God Of Nature has an advantage over the God of Fire when it comes to food and stuff when using DIP. [@LegionPothIX] Only one race , mate :) If you want to add the "bad" side / "good" side you would need to make a sub-species that you are not yet allowed. You can do it but later. So either make a new one ( I don't wish you'd do that ) or make sure you have only one race - one species. In the rest , all is good :) So...edit and resend it , please :)