[@Gisk] [@Mr Allen J] [@Ellion] [@R31GN] Kassidy peered at Audrey's foot the same time Zoey did. She blinked, trying to make sense of what was happening. [i]How is it possible that my hand just magically healed when it was just bleeding a few minutes ago?.[/i] She looked at her now unmarked hand, running her fingers on where the cut had been only a few minutes ago. And then her eyes shifted to Audrey's hand. [i]How was it that she has the same exact injury as I did? A little smaller but I'm sure it's the same location and same shape and--- was it because I bumped into her? Is this my fault? Did I somehow pass it onto her?[/i] Her heart began thudding loudly in her chest, fear and uncertainty crashing through her. Her mind shifted back to the strange lights that lit up the sky. [i]Audrey was outside when the lights reappeared. Did she expose herself to something that caused her to sponge off peoples' injuries?[/i] She tried to put things together. But it didn't make sense. How could some lights in the sky do that to someone? She thought back to how she had been so clumsy the whole night. [i]It all started when the lights appeared too. What if...?[/i] She thought about the splintered table and the broken glasses and then shook her head. She almost laughed. It was stupid to think that the lights somehow made her clumsy. They were only light, after all. [i]Or are they?[/i]