[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjU4N2I0Ny5TVzVrYVdGdVlTQlNlV1JsY2csLC4wAAAAAAAA/pwsharpbrush.medium.png[/img][hr][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/71d3ea3b98991508a475d972f09fba91/tumblr_nb1cil1pGb1rtgef9o4_250.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/58734495751c6bddfac86fffc8480b60/tumblr_nb1cil1pGb1rtgef9o7_250.gif[/img][hr][hr]Interacting with: [s]no one because she hates you all[/s] No one[hr][hr][/center] It was hard not to stare at the girl sitting at the back of the class filing her nails in someone else's seat. It might have something to do with the scowl engraved in her features, or the fact that her face had no trace of makeup, or maybe the bandage taped to the left side of her head. It was probably the bandage, she guessed, due to the fact that multiple ignorant kids had approached her asking what was wrong with her head. This only dampened her already shit mood because 1) she had never spoken to any of them in her life and 2) what the hell has it got to do with them?! And she told them just that. Indiana Ryder's week had gotten off to a good start. The first day, as per usual, had its fair share of drama - mainly focused on two girls and some irrelevant guy. One of the girls in particular, the one with the blue hair, was outspoken and brash and, most of all, interesting. Indie had flirted perhaps a little too much with Mr. Mysterious, Oberon; and she was lucky enough to be placed in a group with Caleb for the science fair. So, excluding the events of last night, the week had been decent and, so far, she liked her place in this school. Then why was she sitting there looking as if she was ready to murder some kittens? No one knew. Indiana had walked into school this morning without her usual sarcastic comments, dry humour and 'better than thou' attitude - she was almost a completely different person. Entering the homeroom class, she had completely ignored her previous seat, and the people that would usually sit next to her, and slumped down into a chair that she suspected was actually Ebony's usual seat at the back corner of the class. If her expression wasn't enough, even her [url=https://67.media.tumblr.com/96d5fbcb49ce35e0678f2e501d04e480/tumblr_n6bbrjQYll1t0rupho1_500.jpg]clothing[/url] screamed 'fuck off' after she had chosen to wear the baggiest clothes she could find. The only time she displayed anything other than sheer pissed-off-ness was when her phone buzzed in her pocket. It was a text from William, of course. And another, and another, and one more, all sent in the space of five minutes demanding to know where she was. Indie's fingers tapped at the phone screen as she typed out a reply and sent it, inspecting her chewed nails once more before sitting back against the wall.