[quote=@potatochipgolem] update: Is there a general tone we'll be having for the setting when we start? Like is it slice of life like? dark? Is there things we shouldn't post? Like blood, mature themes, sexy time? There is talk of mass suicide via shadowself. How far can we go to describe things like that? Oh and do we start near each other for one reason or another? [/quote] [color=7CFC00]Thanks for the approval! I do my best~ The tone in the beginning is intended to be a bit more lighthearted than what it will eventually evolve into. "Slice of life-like" would be the best phrasing I can think of immediately, but that depends on how everyone wants to act; the tone should be relatively cheery, given the Enlistment drive and Lunar Festival being underway, so a lot of activity and a lot of people going about their (currently) jovial business. I plan to pick up roughly two hours before the sun sets, giving people time to have situated themselves after what I mentioned in the flavor intro. I don't have any restrictions on what you can get into, aside from sex (which I think is prohibited by site rules? I'm not entirely sure on that, so someone lemme know; or I'll go poke around for myself) which can be a "fade to black" kind of scenario (that's not saying you can't color in a bit of the 'romance' leading up to it). If you really wanna play it out, I think it would be best for actual sex scenes to be taken to PM (assuming the other party is comfortable with doing so). I actually enjoy a good, gory scene; if it's written well. That's always a problem for me, to be honest; is getting everyone in the group together in a way that would be sensible. My initial idea for this would be for Isyph to be rejected from the Guilds she's thusfar applied to (given the time lapse from the flavor intro allowing for her to fill out the necessary paperwork) and, much chagrined, decides to make her own Guild (The Starless Partners) and begins acting as a Recruiter. There are other possibilities. I'm very open to suggestions in this vein of discussion. Mind you, we don't all have to start within earshot of one another, but I don't think it would be much fun to have someone stuck out of the "group loop", out there talking to themselves. So it'd be best if we can hash out a way to get them all together within the first little while. Edit: Hey! Honor among Thieves (and an Illusionist) is totally a thing! True, Isyph likes to steal; but she doesn't steal from friends. It'll be interesting to see how all that plays out, though, hahaha. I'll probably be playing a handful of characters, (four, right now, in my head) so it may not be all on the wrong side of the law. Lol ^^ Secondary Edit: As a note, just because I said that the tone of the story will darken as we progress; that doesn't mean we have to be confined solely to the grimdark, at all times.[/color]